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Linedance Portalen

Mmm Yeah  

Steps: 64             Vægge: 2             Niveau: Advanced
Musik: Mmm Yeah – Austin Mahone f. Pitbull (single - iTunes) approx 3.51 mins      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Rachael McEnaney (UK/USA), Roy Hadisubroto (Holland), & Joey Warren (USA) April 2014

Count In: 32 counts from start of track (Start on lyrics “When I saw her” at approx 0.15mins). Approx 126bpm.
|[1 - 8] R heel grind, R ball, L cross, R side, ¼ sailor step L, Walk forward R-L
|1 2Cross right heel over left (1), grind right heel into floor as you step left to left side (2), 12.00
|& 3 4Step in place on ball of right (&), cross left over right (3), step right to right side (4) 12.00
|5 & 6 7 8Cross left behind right (5), make ¼ turn left stepping right next to left (&), step forward left (6), step forward right (7), step forward left(8) 9.00
|[9 - 16] Syncopated fwd rocks R& L, L back, R side, L cross, syncopated side steps/jumps
|1 2 & 3 4Rock forward right (1), recover weight left (2), step right next to left (&), rock forward left (3), recover weight right (4) 9.00
|5 & 6Step back left (5), step right to right side (&), cross left over right (6) 9.00
|& 7 & 8Step right to right side (&), step left next to right (7), step right to right side (&), touch left next to right (8)
|Easy option: Take big step right (7), touch left next to right (8) Advanced option: Jump both feet to right twice on count 7,8 9.00
|[17 - 24] L side, R behind with L sweep, L behind, R side, L fwd, step R, ¼ turn L, ¾ turn R (rolling vine)
|1 2 & 3Step left to left side (1), cross right behind left as you sweep left foot (2), cross left behind right (&), step right to right side (3), 9.00
|4 5 6Step forward left (4), step forward right (5), pivot ¼ turn left (weight left) (6), 6.00
|7 8Make ¼ turn right stepping forward right (7), make ½ turn right stepping back left (8) 3.00
|[25 - 32] ¼ turn R (end rolling vine), R extended chasse (facing diagonal/travelling sideways), L jazz box ¼ turn L
|1 & 2Make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side (angle body to right diagonal (7.30)), step left next to right (&), step right to right side (2) 7.30
|& 3 & 4Step left next to right (&), step right to right side (3), step left next to right (&), step right to right side (4) (travelling to side) 7.30
|5 6 7 8Cross left over right squaring up to 6.00 (5), make ¼ turn left stepping back right (6), step left to left side (7), step right next to left (8) 3.00
|[33 - 40] L side rock/push, close L, R side rock, R kick, R cross-side rock with kick, L cross-side rock
|1 2 3 & 4Step left to left side (push) (1), step left next to right (2), rock right to right side (3), recover weight left (&), kick right foot forward (4) 3.00
|5 & 6 &Cross right over left (5), rock ball of left to left side (&), recover weight right (6), kick left foot forward (&) 3.00
|7 & 8Cross left over right (7), rock ball of right to right side (&), recover weight left (8) 3.00
|[41 – 48] R mambo fwd, L back rocking step facing diagonal, R back, L touch back, L kick-out-out
|1 & 2Rock forward right (1), recover weight left (&) step back right (2), 3.00
|3 & 4Angle body to left diagonal/1.30 step back left (3), rock weight to right stepping it slightly toward left (&), step back left (4)
|(styling: drop shoulders L,R,L and make the steps bounce a little hitching knee) 1.30
|5 6 7 & 8Step back right (5), touch left toe back (6), kick left foot forward (7), step left to left side (&), step right to right side (8) 3.00
|[49 - 56] Heel twists L & R – “single L - single R – double L, single R – single L – double R”
|& 1 & 2Lift left heel and twist in toward right (&), return heel (1), Lift right heel and twist in toward left (&), return heel (2) 3.00
|& 3 & 4Lift left heel and twist in toward right (&), return heel (3), Lift left heel and twist in toward right (&), return heel (4) 3.00
|& 5 & 6Lift right heel and twist in toward left (&), return heel (5), lift left heel and twist in toward right (&), return heel (6) 3.00
|& 7 & 8Lift right heel and twist in toward left (&), return heel (7), Lift right heel and twist in toward left (&), return heel (8), 3.00
|[57 – 64] L cross, R back, L ball, R cross shuffle, ¼ turn R stepping back L, R side/back, L syncopated jazz box
|1 2Cross left over right (1), step back right (2), 3.00
|& 3 & 4Step ball of left to left side (&), cross right over left (3), step left to left side (&), cross right over left (4) 3.00
|5 6Make ¼ turn right stepping back left (5), step right to right side (slightly back)(6), 6.00
|7 & 8Cross left over right (7), step back right (&), step left to left side (8) 6.00
|Rachael : www.dancewithrachael.com - dancewithrachael@gmail.com
|Joey: tennesseefan85@yahoo.com Roy: royhadisubroto@gmail.com