Those Were The Days
Steps: 32 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Higher Beginner Musik: Those Were the Days by Hermes House Band. Album: Greatest Hits (3:40 - iTunes) Kunstner: Koreograf: Daniel Whittaker & Rob Fowler (UK) July 2014 NOTE: There are 3 EASY tags end of wall 4, 6, 7 *** It only took me 2min 20 seconds to teach this dance *** | |START: Start after the saying those were the .. start on the word “days” (25 seconds in to the song) | |[1-8] Walk right, left, shuffle, rock step coaster cross |1-2Walk forward right left 12:00 |3&4Shuffle forward R-L-R 12:00 |5-6Rock forward left, recover weight back on right 12:00 |7&8Step left foot back, close right to left, step left over right 12:00 | |[9-16] Grapevive, kick left, kick right, touch behind |1-4Step right to right, cross left behind, step right to right, kick left across right 12:00 |5-6Step left to left, kick right across left 12:00 |7-8Step right to ride side, touch left toe behind right 12:00 | |[17-24] Rolling vine 1 ¼ turn shuffle, rock coaster cross |1-2Step left foot ¼ turn left (09:00), make ½ turn left stepping back right (03:00) 03:00 |3&4Shuffle ½ turn left stepping left, right, left 09:00 |5-6Rock right foot forward, recover weight on left 09:00 |7&8Step right foot back, close left to right, step right over left 09:00 | |[25-32] Side rock, cross over ¼ turn, walk back touch, full turn |1-2Rock left to left side, recover weight on right 09:00 |3-4Cross left over right, make ¼ turn left stepping right foot back 06:00 |5-6Step left foot back, touch right toe back 06:00 |7-8&Step right foot forward, make ½ turn right stepping left foot back, make further ½ turn right slightly hitching right (note this little hitch is preperation to start from the beginning of the dance facing the back wall) 12:00 | | There are 3 very easy Tags | |Tag 1: Rocking chair (end of wall 4) 12:00 |1-4Rock right forward, recover, rock right back recover | |Tag 2: Rock step, coaster step, rock step coaster step (end of wall 6) *Note music slows down for all of wall 7 * 12:00 |1-2Rock right foot forward, recover weight back on left |3&4Step right back, close left beside right, step right foot forward |5-6Rock left foot forward, recover weight back on right |7&8Step left back, close right beside left, step left foot forward | |Tag 3: Rocking chair (end of wall 7) * Note music dramaticlly slows down and builds up faster 06:00 |1-4Rock right forward, recover, rock right back recover | |*** ON A FINAL NOTE HAVE FUN, IT’S A GOOD SING-A-LONG, TO MAKE IT EVEN MORE FUN STAND IN LINES AND HOLD HANDS FROM COUNTS 1-16 WITH DANCERS TO THE RIGHT AND LEFT OF YOU, LET GO AFTER COUNT 16 OTHERWISE YOU WILL GET INJURED ***** | |www.dancefeveruk.com - daniel.whittaker@dancefeveruk.com - Mobile number: 07739 352209 ||