Morning sun & memories
Steps: 36 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Improver / Intermediate Musik: Morning Sun & Memories by Mike Denver, - iTunes Kunstner: Koreograf: Yvonne Anderson, Scotland - Oct 2014 |Notes: Start on Vocal, Tag at end of wall 2 (facing 6 o’clock) and wall 4 (facing 12 o’clock) Restart during wall 5 (facing 3 o’clock) following count 16 add & step L beside right, To finish facing forward adjust spiral turn stepping back | |[1-8] SYNCOPATED CROSS ROCKS, ROLLING 1 AND 1/4 TURN LEFT, SHUFFLE FORWARD |1-2&Rock R across left, Recover weight on L, (&) Step R to right [12] |3-4&Rock L across right, Recover weight on R, (&) Make 1/4 turn left stepping L forward [9] |5-6Make 1/2 turn left stepping R back, Make 1/2 turn left stepping L forward |(easier option counts 5-6 Walk forward R, L) |7&8Shuffle forward stepping R, L, R [9] | |[9-16] FRONT-SIDE-BEHIND, SWEEP, BEHIND-1/4 LEFT-STEP X 2 (FEELS CIRCULAR) |1&2&Step L across right, (&) Step R to side, Step L behind right, (&) Sweep R out and around [9] |3&4Step R behind left, (&) Make 1/4 turn left stepping L to left, Step R forward [6] |5-8Repeat counts 1-4 (above) now facing 3 o’clock |***Restart, during wall 5 dance up to count 16 then add &Step L beside right, begin again*** | |[17-24] SHUFFLE FORWARD, STEP-1/2 TURN-STEP, FULL TRIPLE TURN FORWARD, NIGHT CLUB BASIC RIGHT |1&2Shuffle forward stepping L, R, L [3] |3&4Step R forward, (&) Make 1/2 turn left taking weight on left, Step R forward [9] |5&6Make a full turn right stepping L, R, L travels forward [9] |(easier option counts 5&6 shuffle forward stepping L,R,L) |7-8&Step R to right (long step), Rock L behind right, (&) Recover weight on R [9] | |[25-32] STEP, SPIRAL TURN, BEHIND-SIDE-CROSS, HINGE TURN, ROCK BACK-RECOVER- SIDE, BEHIND-SIDE |1-2Step ball of L to left and (sweeping right out and around) make a full turn left, Step R to right [9] |(easier option counts 1-2 Sway hips L, R weight ends on right) |3&4Step L behind right, (&) Step R to side, Step L Across right [9] |&5Make 1/4 turn left stepping R back, Make 1/4 turn left stepping L to side [3] |6&7Rock R behind left, (&) Recover weight on L, Step R to side [3] |8&Step L behind right, Step R to side [3] | |[33-36] CROSS SHUFFLE, SIDE ROCK-RECOVER-TOUCH |1&2Step L across right, (&) Step R to side, Step L across right [3] |3&4Rock R to right, (&) Recover weight on L, Touch R toes beside left [3] | |Repeat | |Tag: At the end of walls 2 & 4 (facing 6 & 12 respectively) add 4 hip sways |1-4Step R to right and sway hips R,L, R, L (weight ends on left) | |The Finish: the beat fades during counts 9-16, continue to dance through to counts 26 at usual tempo- |Then making a 1/4 turn left step L back and draw R to left (Tah Dah you are facing 12 and have time for a wee pose) | |I hope you enjoy this most beautiful piece of music; it has been my pleasure to make this dance for you |Yvonne x | ||||