Steps: 32 Vægge: 3 Niveau: Advanced Musik: “Cheesecake” by Teo - iTunes Kunstner: Koreograf: Scott Blevins, Rachael McEnaney & Joey Warren - Oct 2014 |#16 count intro to start on the lyric “Once” | |[1-8] SIDE ROCK, ¾ RIGHT SPIRAL, ¾ RIGHT RUN AROUND, HALF, HALF, STEP |11) Rock R to right lifting L toe up while keeping L heel on floor and opening body to the left prepping for ¾ turn right |22) Make ¾ turn right as you transfer weight to L (R toe will be touching across L) [9:00] |3&43) Turn 1/8 right stepping R forward [11:00]; &) Step L next to R; 4) Turn 3/8 right stepping R forward [3:00] |&5-6&) Step L next to R; 5) Turn ¼ right stepping R forward [6:00]; 6) Step L forward |7&87) Turn ½ left stepping R back [12;00]; &) Turn ½ left stepping L forward [6:00]; 8) Step R forward | |[9-16] FWD ROCK, RECOVER, BACK, CROSS, BACK, BACK, CROSS, BACK ROCK, RECOVER, 3/8, ½, ¼, CROSS |1&2&1) Rock L forward; &) Recover to R; 2) Step L back toward left diagonal; &) Step R across L |3&43) Step L back; &) Step R back toward right diagonal; 4) Step L across R (body should be facing right diagonal [7.00] |5-65) Rock R back toward 1:00 and look over right shoulder; 6) Recover weight to L facing 7:00 |7&7) Turn 3/8 left stepping R back [3:00]; &) Turn ½ left stepping L forward [9:00] |8&8) Turn ¼ left stepping R to right [6:00]; &) Step L across R |**Restart here on the 3rd and 6th rotations. Both times, the dance will start facing 6:00 and you will restart facing 12:00. | |[17-24] BIG STEP, TOGETHER, CROSS, BACK, SIDE, CROSS, HOLD, BALL, CROSS, BACK, SIDE, CROSS, SIDE |1-21) Step R a big step to right; 2) Drag and step L next to R |3&4&3) Step R across L; &) Turn 1/8 right stepping L back [7:00]; 4) Turn1/8 right stepping R to right [9:00]; &) Step L across R |5&65) Hold; &) Step ball of R to right; 6) Step L across R |7&8&7) Step R back on right diagonal; &) Step L to left side; 8) Step R across L; &) Step L to left | |[25-32] CROSS BEHIND, CROSS BEHIND, SIDE, FORWARD, ROCKING CHAIR, STEP, PIVOT, ½ LEFT |1,2,3,41) Step R behind L; 2) Step L behind R; 3) Step R to right; 4) Step L forward |Styling: Think of these almost like marching, pick up each foot (almost a hitch) and really step into it with hip action) |5&6&5) Rock R forward; &) Recover to L; 6) Rock R back; &) Recover to L |7-8&7) Step R forward; 8) Turn ½ left taking weight on L; &) Turn ½ left on L (Think of 8& as one fluid turn) | |Tag: After you complete the 7th rotation you will be facing the original 9:00 wall. Complete the tag below, then you will Restart from the top of the dance. |1-21) Step R to right (as if starting the dance); 2) Hold |3&4&3) Drop R shoulder as you lift L shoulder; &) Drop L shoulder as you lift R shoulder; 4) Bump R hip to right; &) Bump L hip to left | |Ending: After the Tag, you will dance 2 full rotations. You will finish the 9th rotation facing the original 3:00 wall and add the steps below. |1-21) Step R to right side (as if starting the dance) and bring L hand towards lips; 2) Blow a kiss to front wall | |Copyright © 2014 Scott Blevins (scott@scottblevins.com) all rights reserved | ||||