Badda badda swing
Steps: 48 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Intermediate Musik: I Don’t Dance by Corbin Bleu & Lucas Grabeel (From High School Musical 2 Album) Kunstner: Koreograf: Daniel Whittaker (UK) & Simon Ward (AUS) Nov 2014 |START: Start on vocals, approx. 28 counts in |Note: the pattern of the dance is 48, 48, 48, 48, 48, (tag), 40, 40 big “Tada” finish on count 41 J | |[1-8] Forward ½ turn, coaster step, left shuffle, step ¼ cross |1-2Step right foot forward (12:00), make ½ turn right stepping left foot back (06:00) 6:00 |3&4Step right foot back, close left beside right, step right foot forward 6:00 |5&6Shuffle forward L-R-L 6:00 |7&8Step right forward, make ¼ turn left, step right over left 3:00 | |[9-16] ½ turn, cross and heel, cross over full turn, chasse left |1-2Make ¼ turn right step left back (06:00), make further ¼ turn right stepping right to side 9:00 |3&4Cross left over right, step right back to right diagonal, touch left heel to left diagonal 9:00 |&5-6Step left beside right, cross right over left (hold cross/step), Unwind full turn left (sharp turn releasing left foot) 9:00 |7&8Step left to left side, close right to left, step left to left side 9:00 | |[17-24] Charleston step, dorothy step |1-2-3Step right forward, touch left toe forward, step back left foot 9:00 |4&Rock back right, recover forward left 9:00 |5-6&7Step right to right diagonal, lock left behind right, step right to right diagonal, touch left heel to left diagonal 9:00 |&8Step left beside right, cross right over left 9:00 | |[25-32] Left coaster step, Right mambo 3/8 turn, Full turn right, Left forward, Point right toe forward |1&2Step left foot back, Close right beside left, step left foot forward 9:00 |3&4Rock/step right foot slightly forward (push off right to assist with turn), Recover weight back onto left turning 3/8 right, complete turn & step right foot forward Styling – (flick left foot back slightly on count 4) 1:30 |5-6Turn a further ½ turn right stepping left foot back, turn ½ turn right stepping left foot forward 1:30 |Stying – (flick opposite foot back slighty on turn) |7-8Step left foot forward, Point right toe forward 1:30 | |[33-40] Right back, Left back (shoulder pops), Right coaster step, Left shuffle fwd, Right fwd, Pivot 5/8 turn left |1-2Step right foot back, Step left foot back 1:30 |Styling - (Bend/crouch over slightly & Pop right shoulder up & left shoulder down (1), left shouder up & right shoulder down (&),(Pop right shoulder up & left shoulder down (2), left shouder up & right shoulder down (&) |3&4Step right foot back, Close left foot beside right, Step right foot forward 1:30 |5&6Step left foot forward, Close right foot beside left, Step left foot forward 1:30 |7-8Step right foot forward, Pivot 5/8 turn left to 07:30 7:30 |RESTART HERE ON WALL 6 (AFTER TAG) – Pivot to 06:00 wall to restart | |[41-48] Right side, Cross/step left x 2 (swing arms), Right back, ½ turn, Right forward, Pivot 5/8 left, Point right |1-4Head & body facing 06:00, Step right foot forward (heading towards 07:30), Cross/step left forward & over right, |Repeat (these 4 counts are all heading towards 7.30 – really step it out with the arm swings below) 7:30 |Styling - (Swing arms to right & slightly up (1), Swing arms to left & slightly down (2), Repeat (3,4)) - swing style |5-6Step right foot back towards 01:30, Make a ½ turn left & step left foot forward 1:30 |7&8Step right foot forward, Pivot 5/8 turn left to 06:00, Point right toe to right side 6:00 | |Tag 12 Count tag End of Wall 5 (facing back wall) |1-12R fwd, Slap L, L back, Slap R knee, Shuffle fwd R, L fwd, Pivot ½ touching R beside, R side, Hip circles x 3 |1&2&Step right foot forward, Slap left foot behind right leg with right hand, Step left foot back, Hitch right knee slapping top of knee with left hand Back |3&4Step right foot forward, Close left beside right, Step right foot forward Back |5&6Step left foot forward, Pivot ½ turn right & touch right beside left, Step right foot to right side pushing hip to right Front |7-12Circle hips clockwise x3, finish with weight on left to restart Front | |Contacts: daniel.whittaker@dancefeveruk.com - bellychops@hotmail.com | |Last Update – 10th Nov 2014 | ||||