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Linedance Portalen

Talkin to the moon  

Steps: 32             Vægge: 4             Niveau: High Intermediate
Musik: “Talking to the Moon” by “Bruno Mars”       Kunstner:
Koreograf: Joey Warren (Mar 2011)

|Step Sweep Rock, Recover ½ Turn, Step Sweep Rock, Recover ½ Turn, Rock Recover ¼ Turn, Weave w/ ½ Turn Right
|1-2-&Step L down as you start sweeping R out, Finish sweep in front of L by rocking fwd on R, Recover back on L
|3-4-&½ Turn R stepping fwd on R and start sweeping L out, Finish sweep in front of R rocking fwd on L, Recover back on R
|5-6-&½ Turn L stepping fwd on L, Step fwd on R, ¼ Turn L recovering onto L
|7&8&Cross R over L, ¼ Turn R stepping back on L, ¼ Turn R stepping out on R, Cross L over R
|Right Basic, L Basic at L Diagonal, Right Basic, ¼ Rock Recover ½ Step Fwd
|1-2-&Big step R to R, Rock L behind R, Recover onto R
|3-4-&Big step L fwd to L diagonal, Rock R behind L, Recover onto L
|5-6-&Big step R to R, Rock L behind R, Recover onto R
|7&8&¼ Turn L rocking fwd on L, Recover back on R, ½ Turn L stepping fwd on L, Step fwd on R
|Cross-Back-Out Traveling Backwards x2, Step Half, Step Half, Step Half Sweep Rock-Recover-Step with R
|1-2-&Cross L over R, Step back & out on R, Step back & out on L
|3-4-&Cross R over L, Step back & out on L, ½ Turn R stepping R fwd
|5-&-6Step fwd on L, Pivot ½ Turn R weight on R, Step fwd on L
|& - 7Pivot ½ Turn R weight on R, ½ Turn R stepping back on L & sweeping that R out and behind L
|8-&-1Rock R behind L, Recover down on L, Step R out to R side
|Rock-Recover-Step with L, Hitch ¼ Turn L, L Coaster Step, Rock-Recover-Half
|2&3-4Rock L over R, Recover back on R, Step L out to L, Step R behind L hitching L knee for ¼ Turn L
|5&6&Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L fwd, Step fwd on R
|7&8&Rock fwd on L, Recover back on R, ½ Turn L stepping L fwd, Step R fwd
|* Should end facing the 9 o’clock wall
|RESTART 1: Do the dance all the way through 1 time and on the 2nd time only do the first two 8 counts.
|You just stepped fwd with the R on count &; and you will restart the dance by stepping down on the L and sweeping the R for 1.
|TAG: Happens after you do the sequence 32, 16, 32. You are facing 12 o’clock. ONLY HAPPENS ONCE!
|Step Sweep Rock, Recover ½ Turn, Step Sweep Rock, Recover ½ Turn, Step Half Turn, Step Half Turn
|1-2-&Step L down as you start sweeping R out, Finish sweep in front of L by rocking fwd on R, Recover back on L
|3-4-&½ Turn R stepping fwd on R and start sweeping L out, Finish sweep in front of R rocking fwd on L, Recover back on R
|5-6-&½ Turn L stepping fwd on L, Step fwd on R, Half turn L stepping down on L
|7-8-&Step fwd on R, Step fwd on L, Pivot half turn R stepping down on R
|Start the dance from the beginning.
|RESTART 2: Your restart 2 will happen in the same place as the first one, exactly!
|Do the dance all the way through 1 time after the tag and then do the first two 8 counts.
|Then you restart the dance!
|SEQUENCE: 32, 16, 32, TAG, 32, 16, 32 the rest of the way
|Revised on site - 12th March 2011