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Linedance Portalen

The pearl  

Steps: 0             Vægge: 1             Niveau: Phrased Intermediate
Musik: ’The Black Pearl’ (Dave Darell Radio Edit) by Scotty      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Maria Maag & Jannie Tofte Andersen (DK) January 2010

|Phrasing: A, A, A, A, TAG, B, C, D, D, B, C, C, C, D, D, B, B
|Intro: 42 count intro (app. 14 sec. into track)
|Note: Don’t be scared – it’s much easier than it looks.
|A SECTION (waltz section)
|(1-6) Walk R hold x2, Walk L hold x2
|1-3 Walk fw R, hold, hold 12:00
|4-6 Walk fw L, hold, hold 12:00
|(7-12) Back R sweep L, Cross L behind, Point R, Hold x2
|1-3 Step back R, sweep L around from front to back (over 2 counts) 12:00
|4& Cross L behind R, point R to R side 12:00
|5-6 Hold, hold 12:00
|(13-18) Cross sweep, Cross sweep
|1-3 Cross R over L, sweep L around from back to front (over 2 counts) 12:00
|4-6 Cross L over R, sweep R around from back to front (over 2 counts) 12:00
|(19-24) Jazz box ¼ R, L fw, Holdx2
|1-3 Cross R over L, turn ¼ R stepping back on L, step R to R side 03:00
|4-6 Step L slightly fw, hold, hold 03:00
|Note: Follow the music. It will tell when to do the steps.
|(1-8) Step ½ R, Step ¼ R, Cross L & Heel jack & cross, Hold
|1-2 Step fw L, turn ½ R stepping down on R 06:00
|3-4 Step fw L, turn ¼ R stepping down on R 09:00
|5-6 Cross L in front of R, step R to R side (and slightly back) 09:00
|&7&8 Touch L heel to L diagonal, step L next to R, cross R over L, hold 09:00
|(9-16) ¼ R hold, ¼ R hold, Lock step, Scuff hitch
|1-2 Turn ¼ R stepping back on L, hold 12:00
|3-4 Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side, hold 03:00
|5-6 Step L fw, lock R behind L 03:00
|&7-8 Step L fw, scuff R, hitch R 03:00
|(17-24) Step ½ L, Step ¼ L, Cross R & Heel jack & cross, Hold
|1-2 Step fw R, turn ½ L stepping down on L 09:00
|3-4 Step fw R, turn ¼ L stepping down on L 06:00
|5-6 Cross R in front of L, step L to L side (and slightly back) 06:00
|&7&8 Touch R heel to R diagonal, step R next to L, cross L over R, hold 06:00
|(25-32) ¼ R hold, ¼ R hold, Lock step, Scuff hitch
|1-2 Turn ¼ L stepping back on R, hold 03:00
|3-4 Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side, hold 12:00
|5-6 Step R fw, lock L behind R 12:00
|&7-8 Step R fw, scuff L, hitch L 12:00
|(1-8) Walk back L, R, L, R with heel grinds, Sailor step L, Sailor step R
|1-2 Walk back L as R toe fans out to R, walk back R as L toe fans out to L 12:00
|3-4 Walk back L as R toe fans out to R, walk back R as L toe fans out to L 12:00
|5&6 Cross L behind R, step R to R side, step L to L side 12:00
|7&8 Cross R behind L, step L to L side, step R to R side 12:00
|(9-16) Applejacks
|1&2& Lift R toes and L heel and twist to R, return to centre, Lift L toes and R heel and twist to L, return to centre 12:00
|3&4& Lift R toes and L heel and twist to R, return to centre, lift R toes and L heel and twist to R, return to centre 12:00
|5&6& Lift L toes and R heel and twist to L, return to centre, Lift R toes and L heel and twist to R, return to centre 12:00
|7&8& Lift L toes and R heel and twist to L, return to centre, lift L toes and R heel and twist to L, return to centre (weight L) 12:00
|(17-24) Step ¼ L, Cross shuffle R, Turn ¼ R, Turn ¼ R, Cross shuffle L
|1-2 Step fw R, turn 1/4 L stepping down on L 09:00
|3&4 Cross R in front of L, step L to L side, cross R in front of L 09:00
|5-6 Turn ¼ R stepping back on L, turn ¼ R stepping R to R side 03:00
|7&8 Cross L in front of R, step R to R side, cross L in front of R 03:00
|(25-32) Monterey ½ R, Monterey ¼ R, R heel & touch L
|1-2 Point R to R side, turn ½ R on L foot, closing R next to L and stepping down on R 09:00
|3-4 Point L to L side, step L next to R 09:00
|5&6& Point R to R side, turn ¼ R on L foot closing R next to L and stepping down on R, Point L to L side, step L next to R 12:00
|7&8 Touch R heel fw, step R next to L, touch L next to R 12:00
|(1-8) L Touch, Scuff, Stomp, Touch, Stomp, Heel, Stomp, repeat with R
|1&2& Touch L fw (1), scuff L (&), stomp L fw (2), touch R slightly behind L (&) 12:00
|3&4 Stomp R back(3), touch L heel fw (&), stomp L (4) 12:00
|5&6& Touch R fw (5), scuff R (&), stomp R fw (6), touch L slightly behind R (&) 12:00
|7&8 Stomp L back(7), touch R heel fw (&), stomp R (8) 12:00
|(9-16) L Touch, Scuff, Stomp, Touch, Stomp, Heel, Stomp, Touch, Stomp, Hold
|1&2& Touch L fw (1), scuff L (&), stomp L fw (2), touch R slightly behind L (&) 12:00
|3&4 Stomp R back(3), touch L heel fw (&), stomp L (4) 12:00
|5&6 Touch R slightly behind L (5), stomp R back(&), stomp L fw (6) 12:00
|7-8 Stomp R back (7), hold (8) 12:00
|TAG (starts facing 12 o’clock)
|Counts Footwork End facing
|(1-13) Walk around full turn L, Step fw R
|1-6 Step R across L making ¼ L, hold, hold, step L fw making ¼ L, hold, hold 06:00
|7-12 Step R across L making ¼ L, hold, hold, step L fw making ¼ L, hold, hold 12:00
|13 Step fw R 12:00
|Good luck & enjoy!
|Maria Maag – maria.maag@hotmail.com & Jannie Tofte Andersen (DK) - jannie@love-to-dance.dk