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Lets marvin gaye ab  

Steps: 32             Vægge: 2             Niveau: Absolute Beginner
Musik: Charlie Puth - ‘Marvin Gaye’ ft. Meghan Trainor      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Suzi Beau (April 2015)

|Intro: 4 counts Start on main beat on the word ON
|SECTION 1: Right toe strut, back rock, Left toe strut, back rock (with optional finger clicks)
|1,2Step on right toe, drop the heel down (styling click fingers as you drop heel)
|3,4Rock back onto left foot recover on right
|5,6Step on left toe, drop the heel down (styling click fingers as you drop heel)
|7,8Rock back on to right recover on left
|SECTION 2: Vine to the right touch and click, vine to left ¼ brush (click)
|1,2Step right to right side, step left behind right
|3,4Step right to right side, touch left to right (angle body to right diagonal and click fingers)
|5,6,Step left to left side, step right behind left
|7,8Turn ¼ left stepping forward left, brush right by left (click fingers)
|SECTION 3: Step right diagonal touch, Step left diagonal touch, Walk back right left right left
|1,2Step forward right to right diagonal, touch left to right
|3,4Step forward left to left diagonal, tough right to left
|5,6Walk back right, walk back left
|7,8Walk back right , step left beside right
|SECTION 4: Point right , point left step pivot ¼ Stomp Stomp
|1,2Point right to right side, replace next to left
|3,4Point left to left side, replace next to right
|5,6Step forward right, pivot ¼ left
|7,8Stomp right in place, stomp left in place
|No Tags No restarts!