Mr put it down
Steps: 64 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Intermediate / Advanced Musik: Mr Put It Down Ricky Martin feat. Pitbull (single - iTunes and all major mp3 websites, approx 3.16mins) Kunstner: Koreograf: Rachael McEnaney-White (UK/USA) and Trevor Thornton (USA) June 2015 |Count In: 18 counts from start of track (hard to count). |Begin on the word “ALL” (“Now first of ALL”) (count 5,6,7,8 as he does the “wooooo”) Approx 128 bpm | |[1 – 8] Walk L-R, L shuffle, ½ turn L stepping back R sweeping L, L behind, R side, L slide |1 2 3&4Step forward L (1), step forward R (2), step forward L (3), step R next to L (&), step forward L (4) 12.00 |5 6Make ½ turn left stepping back on R as you sweep L backwards (5), cross L behind R (6) 6.00 |7 8Take big step to right on R (7), slide L towards R (weight on R) (8) 6.00 | |[9 – 16] L ball, walk R-L, R side ball rock, R cross, ¾ turn R, ¼ turn R with L side-rock cross |& 1 2 & 3Step ball of L next to R (&), step forward R (1), step forward L (2), rock ball of R to right side (&), recover weight to L (3) 6.00 |4 5 6Cross R over L (4), make ¼ turn right stepping back L (5), make ½ turn right stepping forward R (6) 3.00 |7 & 8Make ¼ turn right as you rock L to left side (7), recover weight R (&), cross L over R (8) |Arms option: Punch R arm out to right side (7), punch L arm out to left side (&), bring both arms in bending at elbows chest height (8) 6.00 | |[17 – 24] R side, L side, ¼ turn R fwd R, ¼ turn R stepping side L, R sailor step, L behind-side-cross |1 2 3 4Step R to right side (1), step L to left side (2), make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (3), make ¼ turn R stepping L to left side (4) 12.00 |5&6 7&8Cross R behind L (5), step L next to R (&), step R to right side (6), cross L behind R (7), step R to right side (&), cross L over R (8) 12.00 | |[25 – 32] R side, L touch, ¼ turn side L, touch R, R heel fwd, L heel fwd, back R-L, Body roll back in place, L hitch |1 2 3 4Take big step R (1), touch L next to R (2), make ¼ turn left stepping L to left side (3), touch R next to L (4) 9.00 |5&6&Step forward onto R heel on right diagonal (5), step forward onto L heel on left diagonal (&), step back R (6), step L next to R (&) 9.00 |7 8Body roll backwards (from head) in place (7), hitch L knee (8) 9.00 | |[33 – 40] Close L, side switch point R&L, L ball, R cross, unwind ½ turn L, R jazz box with ¼ R into R chasse |& 1 & 2Step L next to R (&), point R to right side (1), step R next to L (&), point L to left side (2), 9.00 |& 3 4Step in place on ball of L (&), cross R over L (3), unwind ½ turn left (weight ends L) (4) 3.00 |5 6 7 & 8Cross R over L (5), make ¼ turn R stepping back L (6), step R to right side (7), step L next to R (&), step R to right side (8) 6.00 | |[41 – 48] Diagonal rocks x 3, big step back R, L back, hold or bodyroll, R close, L back, look back ½ turn L (prep) |1 2 3 4Rock L forward on diagonal (7.30) (1), rock weight back to R (2), rock L forward (3), push off L and take big step back R (4) 7.30 |5 6Step back L (still facing diagonal) as you begin optional body roll (5), hold (or continue body roll) (6) 7.30 |& 7 8Step R next to L (&), step back L (7), weight remains L as upper body makes ½ turn L (option: snap fingers) (8) body prepped for turn 1.30 | |[49 – 56] ½ R (to return to 7.30), ¼ R, R sailor making 1/8 turn R, heel switch L-R, R ball, L fwd, ½ pivot R |1 2Make ½ turn right returning weight to R (1), make ¼ turn right stepping L to left side (2), 10.30 |3 & 4Cross R behind L (3), step L next to R as you make 1/8 turn right (&), step forward R (4) 12.00 |5&6&78Touch L heel forward (5), step L next to R (&), touch R heel forward (6), step R next to L (&), step forward L (7), pivot ½ turn right (8) 6.00 | |[57 – 64] ¼ R with L touch & hip, ¼ R, ¼ R with R touch & hip, ¼ R, L mambo, R coaster step. |1 2Make ¼ turn right touching L toe to left side as you bump hip left (1), make ¼ turn right stepping slightly back L (2) 12.00 |3 4Make ¼ turn right touching R toe to right side as you bump hip right (3), make ¼ turn right stepping slightly forward R (4) 6.00 |5&6 7&8Rock forward L (5), recover weight R (&), step slightly back L (6), step back R (7), step L next to R (&), step forward R (8) 6.00 | |START AGAIN – HAVE FUN ☺ | |Rachael: www.dancewithrachael.com - dancewithrachael@gmail.com |Trevor: https://www.facebook.com/FasterSmootherDance - trevort17@yahoo.com | ||||