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Linedance Portalen

Summertime roll!  

Steps: 48             Vægge: 2             Niveau: Improver samba
Musik: In the Summertime by Shaggy feat. Rayvon. [3:46. iTunes, etc.]      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Joey Warren (USA) – & Niels Poulsen (DK) October 2015

|Intro: 16 count intro from the main beat in the music (14 secs. into track). Start with weight on L.
|NOTE: As the music is a samba it has a delayed syncopated beat. Try to execute all the &-steps with a slight hesitation whenever possible. Think of the &-counts as ‘a’-counts. NO TAGS – NO RESTARTS!!! …
|[1 – 8] Samba whisk R & L, out R L with hip pushes, chasse ¼ R
|1&2Step R to R side (1), rock back on L (&), recover on R (2) 12:00
|3&4Step L to L side (3), rock back on R (&), recover on L (4) 12:00
|5 – 6Step out R pushing hips R (5), step out L pushing hips L (6) 12:00
|7&8Step R to R side (7), step L next to R (&), turn ¼ R stepping R fwd (8) … (or turn 1 ¼ R) 3:00
|[9 – 16] Step turn step, R mambo fwd, out L R into hip roll L and R with points
|1&2Step fwd on L (1), turn ½ R onto R (&), step fwd on L (2) 9:00
|3&4Rock fwd on R (3), recover back on L (&), step back on R (4) 9:00
|&5 – 6Step out L (&), step out R starting to roll hips in a counter clockwise circle from L to R (5), finish hip roll pushing hips L and pointing L to L side (6) 9:00
|7 – 8Do another full hip roll rolling hips clockwise to R then L (7), push hips R and point R to R side (8) Styling: make both circles BIG!!! 9:00
|[17 – 24] R vine into ball cross & touch, full volta turn L
|1 – 2Step down on R (1), cross L behind R (2) 9:00
|&3&4Step R to R side (&), cross L over R (3), step R to R side (&), touch L next to R (4) 9:00
|5&6&Turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (5), turn ¼ L rocking R to R side (&), recover on L (6), turn ¼ L rocking R to R side (&)12:00
|7&8Recover on L (7), turn ¼ L rocking R to R side (&), recover on L (8) 9:00
|[25 – 32] R samba step, L kick side rock, L samba step ¼ L, run R L R
|1&2Cross R over L (1), rock L to L side (&), recover on R (2) 9:00
|3&4Cross kick L over R (3), rock L to L side pushing hips L (&), recover on R (4) 9:00
|5&6Cross L over R (5), rock R to R side (&), turn ¼ L when recovering onto L (6) 6:00
|7&8Run fwd R (7), run fwd L (&), run fwd R (8) 6:00
|Option: boogie runs rolling knees out R L R when running fwd the 3 times
|[33 – 40] Kick steps X 3, ¼ L shuffle, kick steps X 3, ¼ L shuffle
|&1&2&With a flexed foot kick L low (&), step L down and a tiny step fwd (1), repeat kick with R foot (&), step R down and a tiny step fwd (2), start turning ¼ L repeating the L kick (&) 4:30
|3&4Finish the ¼ L stepping L down (3), step R behind L (&), step L a small step fwd (4) 3:00
|&5&6&With a flexed foot kick R low (&), step R down and a tiny step fwd (5), repeat kick with L foot (&), step L down and a tiny step fwd (6), start turning ¼ L repeating the R kick (&) 1:30
|7&8Finish the ¼ L stepping R down (7), step L behind R (&), step R a small step fwd opening up in body towards 1:30 (8) 12:00
|Styling note: try to make a half circle when doing all the kicks and the shuffles
|[41 – 48] Vaudeville L & R, L mambo ½ L, run R L R L (or full L paddle turn)
|1&2&Cross L over R (1), step R to R side (&), touch L heel diagonally L (2), step down on L (&) 12:00
|3&4&Cross R over L (3), step L to L side (&), touch R heel diagonally R (4), step down on R (&) 12:00
|5&6Rock fwd on L (5), recover back on R (&), turn ½ L stepping fwd on L (6) 6:00
|&7&8Run fwd R (&), run fwd L (7), run fwd R (&), run fwd L (8) …
|TURNY OPTION: do a full L paddle turn instead of the 4 runs.
|Turn ¼ L rocking R to R side (&), recover on L turning ¼ L (7), turn ¼ L rocking R to R side (&), recover on L turning ¼ L (8) 6:00
|Ending: Wall 7 is your last wall (starts at 12:00). Do the first 8 counts, now facing 3:00.
|To end at 12:00 just turn ¼ R stepping L to L side on count 2 of the normal step turn step…12:00
|Contacts: tennesseefan85@yahoo.com – niels@love-to-dance.dk