50 ways
Steps: 64 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Intermediate Musik: 50 Ways To Say Goodbye by Train. CD: California 37 (iTunes) Kunstner: Koreograf: Pat Stott (UK) July 2012 | 32 count intro | |Weave right, chasse, back rock, recover |1 – 4Step right to right, cross left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right |5&6Step right to right, close left to right, step right to right |7 – 8Rock back on left, recover onto right | |Vine left with ½ turn left, scuff, chasse, back rock, recover |1 – 4Step left to left, cross right behind right, turn ¼ left stepping forward of left, pivot ¼ turn on left and scuff right next to left |5&6Step right to right, close left to right, step right to right |7 – 8Rock back on left, recover onto right | |Rocking chair, step, ½ turn right & hook, shuffle forward |1 – 4Rock forward on left, recover onto right, rock back on left, recover onto right |5 – 6Step forward on left, turn ½ turn right keeping weight on left and hook right in front of left |7&8Step forward on right, close left to right, step forward on right | |Rock forward, recover, coaster step, stomp, hold, close, stomp, tap |1 – 2Rock forward on left, recover onto right |3&4Step back on left, close right to left, step forward onto left |5 – 6Stomp right to right, hold |& 7 8Close left to right, stomp right to right, tap left next to right |* Restart during wall 3 (replace tap with stomp left next to right) | |Roll 1 ½ turns to left, rock back, recover, kick, ball, cross |1 – 4Turn ¼ to left and step forward on left, turn ½ to left and step back on right, turn ½ to left and step forward on left, turn ¼ left and step right to right |5 – 6Rock back on left, recover onto right |7&8Kick left to left diagonal, step on ball of left, cross right over left | |Stomp, hold, close, stomp, tap, roll 1 ½ turns right |1 – 2Stomp left to left, hold |& 3 4Close right to left, stomp left to left, tap right next to left |5 – 8Turn ¼ to right and step forward on right, turn ½ right and step back on left, turn ½ right and step forward on right, turn ¼ right and step left to left | |Rock back, recover, rock forward, recover, behind, side, cross shuffle |1 – 4Rock right behind left, recover onto left, rock diagonally forward on right, recover onto left |5 – 6Cross right behind left, step left to left |7&8Cross right over left, step left to left on ball of foot, cross right over left | |Side, recover, sailor ¼ turn left, step, ½ pivot left, walk, walk |1 – 2Rock left to left, recover onto right |3&4Cross left behind right, turn ¼ left stepping onto right, step left in place |5 – 6Step forward on right, pivot ½ left transferring weight to left |7 – 8Walk forward on right, walk forward on left | |Tag end of wall 1 ( 3 0’clock), wall 4 ( 9 0’clock), wall 6 dance the tag TWICE ( 3 0’clock) |1&2Stomp right across left, recover onto left, step right to right |3&4Stomp left across right, recover onto right, step left to left |5&6Stomp right across left, recover onto left, step right to right |7- 8Stomp left next to right, hold and clap hands | |*Restart during wall 3 : dance the first 32 counts replacing the tap (32) with stomp left next to right with weight (6 0’clock) | ||||