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Linedance Portalen

future dream  

Steps: 32             Vægge: 4             Niveau: High Intermediate (Rolling 8 pattern)
Musik: ’I Know Where I’ve Been’ by Queen Latifah (From Hairspray). iTunes.      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Jannie Tofte Andersen (DK) March 2016

|Tag. 4 counts tag after wall 2 (facing back wall) See bottom for details
|Intro: 16 counts intro (app. 16 seconds into song.)
|[1-8] Full spiral R, Step, Step ¼ R cross, Point, ½ R sweep, Cross ¼ ¼ L, Cross rock
|1Step L fw, full turn spiral R (weight ends on L) 12:00
|2&a3Step R fw, step L fw, turn ¼ R stepping onto R, cross L over R 03:00
|4-5Point R to R side (prep body L), turn ½ R stepping down on R and sweeping L back to front 09:00
|6&aCross L over R, turn ¼ L stepping R back, turn ¼ L stepping L to L side 03:00
|7-8Cross rock R over L, recover onto L 03:00
|[9-16] Side cross, ¼ ¼ L cross sweep, Weave, Sway x2, ¼ R sweep, Weave
|a1Step R to R side, cross L over R 03:00
|2&a3Turn ¼ L stepping R back, turn ¼ L stepping L to L side, cross R over L, sweep L from back to front 09:00
|4&aCross L over R, step R to R side, cross L behind R 09:00
|5-6Sway body R-L (slight prep to the L) 09:00
|7¼ R stepping onto R, sweeping L from back to front 12:00
|8&aCross L over R, step R to R side, cross L behind R 12:00
|[17-24] Side rock/lean R, Rolling vine L cross, Coaster step ½ R, Coaster step step, Mambo step
|1Rock R to R side (slight lean/prep towards L) 12:00
|2&aRecover onto L while turning ¼ L, turn ½ L stepping R back, turn ¼ L stepping L to L side 12:00
|3Step/cross R over L (so that you’re now facing your L diagonal) 10:30
|4&a5Step L back, step R next to L, step L fw, turn ½ R (weight stays L) 04:30
|6&a7Step R back, step L next to R, step R fw, step L fw 04:30
|8&aRock R fw, recover onto L, step R next to L 04:30
|[25-32] Step sweep ⅛ L, Jazz box ¼ R sweep, Weave, Sway x3, Chasse ¼ R
|1Step L fw, sweep R back to front while turning ⅛ L (squaring up to your side wall) 03:00
|2&aCross R over L, step L back, turn ¼ R stepping R to R side 06:00
|3Cross L over R, sweep R back to front 06:00
|4&aCross R over L, step L to L side, cross R behind L 06:00
|5-7Sway L-R-L 06:00
|8&aStep R to R side, step L next to R, turn ¼ R stepping R fw (underturn it a bit to make it easier going into your spiral turn) 09:00
|Tag: Happens just once – after wall 2 – facing your 06:00 wall
|1Step L fw, full turn spiral R (weight ends on L) 06:00
|2&aRock R fw, recover onto L, step R next to L (mambo step) 06:00
|3-4Walk L-R 06:00
|Ending: There’s a big finish in the music starting on wall 6 around count 30. Keep dancing through it (starting the dance over again for wall 7) – the beat will come back for count 12 (fist weave of the section). Keep dancing up until count 21 (Coaster step ½ R) and finish with a big sweep with your R (or several spins)
|Good luck & enjoy
|Contact: - jannietofte@gmail.com
|Last Update - 7th March 2016