Stitch It Up
Steps: 64 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Beginner / Intermediate Musik: Elvis Medley by The Dean Brothers Kunstner: Koreograf: Robbie McGowan Hickie |WEAVE RIGHT, HOLD, ROCK STEP 1-2Step right to right side, cross left behind 3-4Step right to right side, cross left in front of right 5-6Step right to right side, hold one count 7-8Step back on left, rock weight forward onto right WEAVE LEFT, HOLD, ROCK STEP 1-2Step left to left side, cross right behind left 3-4Step left to left side, cross right in front of left 5-6Step left to left side, hold one count 7-8Step back on right, rock weight forward onto left TOE TOUCHES, HEEL HOOK, LOCK STEP-HOLD 1-2Touch right toe to right side, touch right toe next to left 3-4Touch right heel forward, hook right heel across left foot 5-6Step forward on right, lock left behind right 7-8Step forward on right, hold one count TOE TOUCHES, HEEL HOOK, LOCK STEP-HOLD 1-8Repeat counts 17-24 starting with left foot ROCK STEP, BACK-HOLD, LOCK STEP BACK-HOLD 1-2Step forward on right, rock weight back onto left 3-4Step back on right, hold one count 5-6Step back on left, lock right across left 7-8Step back on left, hold one count SWING/SWEEP BACK X3, DIP DOWN AND UP 1-2Swing/sweep right out from front to back, step right behind left 3-4Swing/sweep left out from front to back, step left behind right 5-6Swing/sweep right out from front to back, step right behind left 7-8Bend knees and dip down, stand upright (weight on right) LOCK STEP, STEP-HOLD, ROCK ¼ TURN, STEP-HOLD 1-2Step forward on left, lock right behind left 3-4Sep forward on left, hold one count 5-6Step right to right side, rock weight onto left turning ¼ left 7-8Step forward on right, hold one count STEP-½ TURN, STEP-HOLD, TOE TOUCHES 1-2Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right 3-4Step forward on left, hold one count 5-6Touch right toe to right side, touch right toe next to left 7-8Touch right toe to right side, touch right toe next to left REPEAT |||