Won't Tell A Soul
Steps: 32 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Intermediate Musik: I Wont Tell a Soul - Charlie Puth Kunstner: Koreograf: Malene Jakobsen (Denmark) and Rachael McEnaney-White (UK/USA) Aug. 2015 |Count In: 3 counts from start of track, dance begins on vocals “I” (“Oh darling ‘I’ know you’re”) Approx 115 bpm | |[1 – 8] Fwd R sweeping L, L cross, R side, L back rock, ¼ turn R, back L, back R-L with sweeps R behind, L side, R cross |1 2 & 3 4Step forward R as you sweep L (1), cross L over R (2), step R to right side (&), rock back L (3), recover R (4) 12.00 |& 5 6Make ¼ turn right stepping back L (&), step back R sweeping L (5), step back L sweeping R (6) 3.00 |7 & 8Cross R behind L (7), step L to left side (&), cross R over L (8) 3.00 | |[9 – 16] L side, R close, ½ L diamond square, R fwd full spiral L, weave to R, L cross rock |& 1Step L to left side (&), make 1/8 turn right stepping R next to L (body facing 4.30) 3.00 |2 & 3Cross L over R (2), make 1/8 turn left stepping R to right side (&), make 1/8 turn left stepping back L (3) 12.00 |4 &Step back R (4), make ¼ turn left stepping forward L (&), 9.00 |5Step forward R and make a full spiral turn to left (weight ends R) (5) Easy option: Step forward R (5) 9.00 |6 & 7 &Cross L over R (6), step R to right side (&), cross L behind R (7), step R to right side (&), 9.00 |8 &Cross rock L over R (8), recover weight R (&) 9.00 | |[17 – 24] Step touch syncopation, R vaudeville, R ball, L cross, ½ turn L (back R sweeping L) L behind, R side |1 2 & 3Step L to left side (1), touch R across L (2), step R to right side (&), touch L next to R (3) 9.00 |& 4 & 5Step L to left side (&), cross R over L (4), step L to left side (&), touch R heel to right diagonal (5) 9.00 |& 6Step in place on ball of R (&), cross L over R (6) 9.00 |7Make ¼ turn left stepping back R as you sweep L around into another ¼ turn left (think of this as one fluid motion) (7) 3.00 |8 &Cross L behind R (8), step R to right side (&) 3.00 | |[25 – 32] L cross rock, L side, R cross rock, ‘out-out (R-L)’, R ball, L cross, 1 ¼ paddle turn R (R-L-R-L) |1 2Cross rock L over R (1), recover weight R (2), 3.00 |& 3 4Step L to left side (&), cross rock R over L (3), recover weight L (4) 3.00 |& 5Step R to right side (&), step L to left side (feet are shoulder width apart) (5) STYLING: do this on balls of feet 3.00 |& 6Step ball of right foot in place and slightly back (&), cross L over R (6) 3.00 |7 & 8 &Make 1 ¼ paddle turn to right (R-L-R-L 7&8&) try not to think about breaking the turn down but here is idea of breakdown for teach purposes: Make ½ turn right stepping forward R (7), make 1/8 turn right stepping L next to R (&), make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (8), make 1/8 turn right stepping L next to R (&) then make ¼ turn right as you step forward R to begin dance again 6.00 | |Ending: The last wall begins facing the front – half way through the dance (on the weave) the beat stops and music slows down. |Keep dancing at the same speed all the way through to the end of the dance – then do a double or triple paddle turn (keep going as long as you like to face the front for a nice finish). 12.00 | |START AGAIN – HAVE FUN | |Contacts: - |Malene: lovelinedance@live.dk |Rachael: www.dancewithrachael.com - dancewithrachael@gmail.com | ||||