How I Want Ya
Steps: 80 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Phrased Advanced Musik: How I Want Ya (Dawin Remix) – Hudson Thames (feat. Hailee Steinfield), (Album: iTunes and all major mp3 websites, approx 3.15mins) Kunstner: Koreograf: Joey Warren (USA) & Rachael McEnaney-White (UK/USA) March 2016 |Count In: 16 counts from start of track, dance begins after vocals “it’s the king of the dance floor”. Approx 101bpm |Sequence: The first 2 rotations are exactly the same – facing front from beginning both times. Remember you always do C twice. |A (12.00) – B (9.00) – B (3.00) – C (9.00) – C (9.00) – D (9.00) |A (12.00) – B (9.00) – B (3.00) – C (9.00) – C (9.00) – D (9.00) |B (12.00) – C (6.00) – C (6.00) – A (6.00) end A with ¼ sailor step L (instead of coaster) | |A [1 – 8] Pimp walks R-L-R-L, R rocking chair, R fwd, ¼ turn R stepping side L, R touch behind |1 2Step forward R (1), step forward L bending knees slightly to left (2), 12.00 |3 4Step forward R (3), step forward L bending knees slightly to left (4), 12.00 |5 & 6 &Rock forward R (5), recover weight L (&), rock back R (6), recover weight L (&) 12.00 |7 & 8Step forward R (7), make ¼ turn right stepping L to left side (&), touch R behind L (crossed all way behind) (8) 3.00 | |A [9 – 16] ½ Monterey into L side rock cross, R side, L touch, L side, R kick, R behind, L side, R cross |1 2Point R to right side (1), make ½ turn right stepping R next to L (2), 9.00 |3 & 4Rock L to left side (3), recover weight R (&), cross L over R (4) 9.00 |5&6&Step R to right side (5), touch L next to R (&), step L to left side (6), kick R to right diagonal (&) 9.00 |7 & 8Cross R behind L (7), step L to left side (&), cross R over L (8) 9.00 | |A [17 – 24] 1/8 turn L mambo, R coaster, L diagonal lock step, R diagonal lock step, 1/8 turn L fwd L |1 & 2Make 1/8 turn left as you rock forward L (1), recover weight R (&), step back L (2) 7.30 |3 & 4Step back R (3), step L next to R (&), step forward L (4) 7.30 |5 & 6 &Step L to left diagonal (5), lock R behind L (&), step L to left diagonal (6), step R to right diagonal (&), 7.30 |7 & 8Lock L behind R (7), step R to right diagonal (&), make 1/8 turn to face 6.00 stepping forward L (8) 6.00 | |A [25 – 32] R fwd, ¼ turn L fwd L, ½ turn L doing R lock back (sweepL), L back (sweepR), R back (sweepL), L coaster |1 2Step forward R (1), make ¼ turn left stepping forward L (2), 3.00 |3 & 4Make ½ turn left stepping back R (3), lock L over R (&), step back R sweeping L (4) 9.00 |5 6 7 & 8Step back L sweeping R (5), step back R sweeping L (6), step back L (7), step R next to L (&), step forward L (8) 9.00 | |B [1 – 8] R cross, L diagonal back, R ball, L cross, R side, L side, R-L heel swivel, R coaster |1 2 & 3Cross R over L (1), step L back to left diagonal (2), step ball of R to right side (&), cross L over R (3) 9.00 |& 4Step R to right side (&), step L to left side (4) feet end shoulder width apart. 9.00 |5 & 6 &Swivel R heel out to right (5), return R heel to place (&), swivel L heel out to L (6), return L heel to place (&) 9.00 |7 & 8Step back R (7), step L next to R (&), step forward R (8) 9.00 | |B [9 – 16] Hip bumps forward L, ½ turn R with hip bumps forward R, L mambo with run back L-R-L, R ball change |1 & 2Touch L forward bumping hips forward (1), bump hips back (&), bump hips forward taking weight L (2) 9.00 |3 & 4Make ½ turn R touching R forward bumping hips forward (3), bump hips back (&), bump hips forward taking weight R (4) 3.00 |5 & 6 & 7Rock forward L (5), recover weight R (&), step back L (6), step back R (&), step back L (7) 3.00 |& 8Rock back on ball of R (&), recover weight L (8) 3.00 | |C [1 – 8] Making full circle to L: Walk R-L, R shuffle, Walk L-R, L shuffle |1 2Make 1/8 turn left stepping forward R (1), make 1/8 turn left stepping forward L (2) 6.00 |3 & 4Make 1/8 turn left stepping forward R (3), step L next to R (&), make 1/8 turn left stepping forward R (4) 3.00 |5 6Make 1/8 turn left stepping forward L (5), make 1/8 turn left stepping forward R (6) 12.00 |7 & 8Make 1/8 turn left stepping forward L (7), step R next to L (&), make 1/8 turn left stepping forward L (8) 9.00 | |C[9 – 16] R rock fwd, full triple turn R, L brush, L touch, hip bumps, L ball |1 2 3 & 4Rock forward R (1), recover weight L (2), make full turn right doing R triple step in place (R-L-R) (easy option: R coaster) (3&4) 9.00 |5 6 &Brush L forward (5), touch L toe forward (6), bump hips forward (&), 9.00 |7 & 8 &Bump hips back (7), bump hips forward (&), bump hips back (8), step ball of L next to R (ready to repeat all of C) (&) 9.00 | |D [1 – 8] Switches: R heel, L side touch, ¼ turn L touching R back, L heel, R kick, L point, L hitch, L point, ¼ L hitching L, L close with double clap |1 & 2Touch R heel forward (1), step R next to L (&), touch L to left side (2) 9.00 |& 3 & 4Make ¼ turn left stepping L next to R (&), touch R toe back (3), step R next to L (&), touch L heel forward (4) 6.00 |& 5 & 6Step L next to R (&), kick R forward (5), step R next to L (&), point L to left side (6) 6.00 |& 7 & 8&Hitch L knee (&), point L to left side (7), make ¼ turn left as you hitch L knee (&), step L next to R as you clap (8), clap (&) the double clap is done as if swiping hands up and down. 3.00 | |D [9 – 16] Switches: R heel, L side touch, ¼ turn L touching R back, L heel, R kick, L point, L close, R side, L close, knee pops |1 & 2Touch R heel forward (1), step R next to L (&), touch L to left side (2) 3.00 |& 3 & 4Make ¼ turn left stepping L next to R (&), touch R toe back (3), step R next to L (&), touch L heel forward (4) 12.00 |& 5 & 6Step L next to R (&), kick R forward (5), step R next to L (&), point L to left side (6) 12.00 |& 7 & 8&Step L next to R (&), step R to right side (7), step L next to R (&), pop both knees out to side (8), close knees together (&) 12.00 | |Sequence: The first 2 rotations are exactly the same – facing front from beginning both times. |Remember you always do C twice. |A (12.00) – B (9.00) – B (3.00) – C (9.00) – C (9.00) – D (9.00) |A (12.00) – B (9.00) – B (3.00) – C (9.00) – C (9.00) – D (9.00) |B (12.00) – C (6.00) – C (6.00) – A (6.00) end A with ¼ sailor step L (instead of coaster) | |Have fun | |Contacts:- |Joey: tennesseefan85@yahoo.com |Rachael: www.dancewithrachael.com - dancewithrachael@gmail.com | ||||