Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: High Improver Musik: Chunky by Format:B (Radio Edit) Kunstner: Koreograf: Jill Weiss and Jessica Reis – May 2016 |Dance starts on the vocals after 40 count intro. | |WALK (OR POP) BACK, ROCK & CROSS, STEP, KICK BALL STEP |1-2-3Step back R-L-R (or pop opposite knee as you step) |4&5Step out left and rock to left, replace weight to right, and step left forward in front of right |6Step R forward |7&8Kick left, step left next to R, step forward on right | |TOE STRUTS WITH HIP BUMPS TURNING ½ RIGHT, CHUG ½ RIGHT, HOLD |1&2Step left toe forward, bump left hip forward back and forward ending with weight L, gradually turning right |3&4Step right toe forward, bump right hip forward back and forward ending with weight R, finish turn to 6:00 |5-6-7-8Touch left toe to left 3x, pivoting right on R to 12:00, hold (12:00) | |CROSSING SHUFFLE, TURN ¼ R AND FORWARD SHUFFLE, PIVOT TURNS (OR ROCKING CHAIR) |1&2Cross L over R, step R to right side, cross L over R (12:00) |3&4Turn ¼ right, stepping R forward, step L next to R, step R forward (3:00) |5-6Step L forward, pivot ½ right with weight to R (9:00) |7-8Step L forward, pivot ½ right with weight to R (3:00) |(Easier option: replace pivot turns counts 5-8 with a rocking chair.) | |TURN ¼ RIGHT 2X WITH CHEST PUMPS AND HOLDS, KICK BALL STEP, MAMBO |1-2Turn ¼ right stepping side left, weight to left, hold. (6:00) |3-4Turn ¼ right stepping side right, weight to right, hold (9:00) |(Styling note – hold arms in front of chest, elbows out to sides, palms facing out, pump arms out on each count 1-4) |5&6Kick left forward, step left next to right, take larger step forward on R |7&8Rock forward on L, replace weight back to R, step back on L (9:00) | |TAG: Before beginning Wall 5 while facing 12:00 for the second time, add 8 count Tag: |MAMBO BACK, MAMBO FORWARD, 4 COUNT BODY ROLL, HIP ROLL OR SHIMMY |1&2Rock back on right, replace weight forward to left, step forward on right |3&4Rock forward on left, replace weight back to right, step back on left |5-6-7-8Lean forward and shimmy back up, ending with a “sit” back on left | |Styling Options: 5-6-7-8 Shifting weight forward to right, do a body roll ending with a “sit” as you shift weight back to left | |Enjoy!! | |Please do not alter this step sheet in any way without the written permission of the Choreographers. If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format and include all contact details on this script. |Contact: Jill Weiss – Email: jill@freespindance.com |www.jkshuffles.com |All rights reserved. | ||||