Love's Gotta Hold On Me
Steps: 32 Vægge: 3 Niveau: Intermediate - R&B/ Be-Bop Rhythm Musik: Somethings Got A Hold On Me by Leela James Kunstner: Koreograf: Ira Weisburd (USA) & Vivienne Scott (CANADA) May 2016 |Intro: 16 counts. Start at approximately 16 sec. | |*Restart @ 3:00 @ approx. :42, 1:51, 2:16, 3:08 | |PART I. (LIFT, R BOTAFOGO, LIFT, L BOTAFOGO; ROCK, RECOVER, SIDE, ROCK, RECOVER, 1/4 TURN L) |a1&2Slight Lift of L heel off ground to raise R leg slightly, Step R across L, Step L to L, Step R to R |a3&4Slight Lift of R heel off ground to raise L leg slightly, Step L across R, Step R to R, Step L to L |5,6&Rock R across L, Recover back onto L, Step R to R |7,8&Rock L across R, Recover back onto R, Step L to L making 1/4 Turn L (9:00) | |PART II. (STEP; PIVOT 1/2 TURN, STEP; SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, STEP; KICK, STEP, KICK; BACK, RECOVER) |1Step forward on R. |2&3Step forward on L. Pivot 1/2 Turn R onto R (3:00), Step forward on L. |4&5Rock R to right side (slightly forward). Recover onto L. Step R forward dipping down. |6&7Kick L forward, Step L in place, Kick R forward |8&Step R back, Recover forward onto L | |PART III. (1/4 R TURN, PIVOT 1/8 TURN R, FORWARD, ROCK, RECOVER; BACK,SWEEP L, BACK, SIDE, CROSS, SIDE, 1/4 L TURN) |1,2&Step R forward making 1/4 R Turn (6:00), Rock L to L, Pivot 1/8 Turn R (7:30) |3Step L forward |4&5&Rock R forward, Recover back onto L, Step R back, Sweep L from front to back to square (6:00) |6&7Step L behind R, Step R to R, Step L across R |8&Step R to R, Step L to L making 1/4 L Turn (3:00) | |PART IV. (DIAGONAL LOCK STEP R, DIAGONAL LOCK STEP L, 1/4 L TURN, TAP L; 1/4 L TURN FORWARD, LOCK, FORWARD; FORWARD, LOCK, FORWARD) |1&2&Step R forward diagonal (4:30), Step L behind R ankle, Step R forward, Step L forward diagonal (1:30) |3&4&Step R behind L ankle, Step L forward, Step R forward making 1/8 L Turn (12:00), Tap L toe beside R |5Step L to L making 1/4 L Turn (9:00) |6&7&Step R forward, Step L behind R ankle, Step R forward, Step L forward |8&Step R behind L ankle, Step L forward | |REPEAT DANCE. | |* 4 RESTARTS (all at 3:00) Every time the dance ends facing 9:00, do PART I. (1-8) and make a 1/2 L Turn instead of 1/4 L Turn to Restart the Dance at 3:00 | |* Ending: On the 4th Restart, do PART I, PART II, PART III. (counts 1,2&3). On Count 3 of PART III. make an extra 1/8 Turn R to face 12:00 and pose. | |Contacts ~ Email: dancewithira@comcast.net or linedanceviv@hotmail.com | ||||