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Linedance Portalen

Woman Up  

Steps: 48             Vægge: 4             Niveau: Intermediate
Musik: Woman Up – Meghan Trainor (Album: Thank You! - on iTunes and all major mp3 websites, approx 3.28mins)      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Rachael McEnaney-White (UK/USA) and Amy Christian (USA) July 2016

|Count In: 8 counts from when the beat kicks in, dance begins on vocals. Approx 105 bpm
|[1 – 8] L cross, R side, L heel, R cross, L side, R heel, L cross, R side, ¼ turn L sailor.
|1 & 2Cross L over R (1), step R to right side (&), touch L heel to left diagonal (2) 12.00
|& 3 & 4Step in place with L (&), cross R over L (3), step L to left side (&), touch R heel to right diagonal (4) 12.00
|& 5 6Step in place with R (&), cross L over R (5), step R to right side (6) 12.00
|7 & 8Cross L behind R (7), make ¼ turn left stepping R next to L (&), step forward L (8) 9.00
|[9 – 16] Walk R – L, R mambo ½ turn R, ½ turn R, ¼ turn R, L crossing shuffle
|1 2 3 & 4Step forward R (1), step forward L (2), rock forward R (3), recover weight L (&), make ½ turn right stepping forward R (4) 3.00
|5 6Make ½ turn right stepping back L (5), make ¼ turn right stepping R to right side (6) 12.00
|7 & 8Cross L over R (7), step R to right side (&), cross L over R (8) 12.00
|[17 – 24] R side, L close, R forward, L shuffle, R fwd, ½ pivot L, R mambo fwd
|& 1 2Step R to right side (&), step L next to R making 1/8 turn left (1), step forward R (2) 10.30
|3 & 4 5 6Step forward L (3), step R next to L (&), step forward L (4), step forward R (5), pivot ½ turn left (6) styling: roll hips on pivot 4.30
|7 & 8Rock forward R (7), recover weight L (&), step slightly back R (8) 4.30
|[25 – 32] ¼ turn L, point R, 1/8 turn R sweeping L, L cross, R side, 1/8 turn L back L, R back, 1/8 turn L side L, R fwd,
|heel switch L-R
|& 1 2Make ¼ turn left stepping L to left side (&), point R to right side (1), make 1/8 turn right stepping forward R as you sweep L (2) 3.00
|3 & 4Cross L over R (3), step R to right side (&), make 1/8 turn left stepping back L (4) 1.30
|5 & 6Step back R (5), make 1/8 turn left stepping L to left side (&), step forward R (6) 12.00
|7 & 8Touch L heel forward (7), step L next to R (&), touch R heel forward (8) 12.00
|[33 – 40] R close, L cross, R point, R crossing shuffle, L side, R touch, R kick-ball-cross
|& 1 2Step R next to L (&), cross L over R (1), point R to right side (2) 12.00
|3 & 4Cross R over L (3), step L to left side (&), cross R over L (4) 12.00
|5 6 7 & 8Step L big step to left side (5), touch R next to L (6), kick R to right diagonal (7), step ball of R next to L (&), cross L over R (8) 12.00
|[41 – 48] ¼ turn R samba step, L samba step, full paddle turn to R
|1 & 2Make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (1), rock ball of L to left side (&), recover weight R (2) 3.00
|3 & 4Step forward L (slightly across R) (3), rock ball of R to right side (&), recover weight L (4) 3.00
|5 &Make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (5), make 1/8 turn right stepping L next to R (&), 7.30
|6 &Make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (6), make 1/8 turn right stepping L next to R (&) 12.00
|7 & 8Make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (7), step ball of L to left side (&), step in place with R (8) 3.00
|TAG: The 5th wall begins facing 12.00 and ends facing 3.00.
|At the end of the 5th wall repeat the last 16 counts of the dance; Counts 33 – 48 (do not do the & count before count 1).
|You will then be facing 6.00 to start the dance again. 6.00
|Ending: The 7th wall begins facing 9.00 and this is the last wall. Do the dance up to count 12 (mambo ½ turn), then make ½ turn right stepping back L (5), make ½ turn right stepping forward R (6), step forward L (7), step R next to L (&), step
|forward L(8), throw arms up in the air (&) 12.00
|Rachael: www.dancewithrachael.com - dancewithrachael@gmail.com
|Amy - amyc@linefusiondance.com