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Linedance Portalen

Oops Baby  

Steps: 32             Vægge: 4             Niveau: Intermediate
Musik: Oops Feat. Charlie Puth – Little Mix (Album: Glory Days) - iTunes and all major mp3 websites, approx 3.25mins      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Cody Flowers & Rachael McEnaney - Dec 6th 2016

|Count In: 16 counts from when the start of track, dance begins on vocals. Approx 105 bpm
|[1 – 8] Step back R, hold, L ball, R fwd, L fwd, ¼ L rocking R, cross R, side L, cross R, unwind ¾ turn L
|1 2Take a big step back R (1), hold (2) 12.00
|& 3 4Step ball of L next to R (&), step forward R (3), step forward L (4) 12.00
|5 & 6Make ¼ turn left rocking R to right side (5), recover weight L (&), cross R over L (6) 9.00
|& 7 8Step L to left side (&), cross R over L (7), unwind ¾ turn left (weight ends L) (8) 12.00
|[9 – 16] R side, L behind, ¼ R, L side, R behind, L close, R side, L behind, ¼ R, L fwd, R fwd rock.
|1 2 &Step R to right side (slightly heavier step) (1), cross L behind R (2), make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (&) 3.00
|3 4 &Step L to left side (slightly heavier step) (3), cross R behind L (4), step L next to R (&) 3.00
|5 6 &Step R to right side (slightly heavier step) (5), cross L behind R (6), make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (&) 6.00
|7 8 &Step forward L (7), rock forward R (8), recover weight L (&) 6.00
|Restart During the 6th wall restart here. The 6th wall begins facing 3.00 and you will restart the dance facing 9.00.
|[17 – 24] R back, L back, R coaster step, 2x taps fwd L, L fwd, R back rock
|1 2 3 & 4Step back R (1), step back L (2), step back R (3), step L next to R (&), step forward R (4) 6.00
|5 & 6Tap L toe slightly forward (5), tap L toe further forward (&), step L forward (6) 6.00
|7 8Rock weight back onto R pushing hips back slightly (7), recover weight L (8) 6.00
|[25 – 32] ¼ turn L stepping R side, L touch, hold, syncopated touch’s L&R, L ball, R fwd, L fwd, ½ pivot R, ½ turn R
|& 1 2Make ¼ turn left stepping R to right side (&), touch L next to R (1), hold (2) 3.00
|& 3 & 4Step L to left side (&), touch R next to L (3), step R to right side (&), touch L next to R (4) 3.00
|& 5 6Step slightly back on ball of L (&), step forward R (5), step forward L (6) 3.00
|7 8Pivot ½ turn right (weight ends R) (7), make ½ turn right (on ball of R) stepping back L (8) 3.00
|Ending: The dance ends facing the front after wall 11. Wall 11 begins facing 9.00
|Cody: co.flowers@gmail.com
|Rachael: www.dancewithrachael.com - dancewithrachael@gmail.com