Happily Ever After
Steps: 32 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Intermediate Musik: Too Good to Say Goodbye – Bruno Mars (4.42) Kunstner: Koreograf: Maddison Glover (AUS) January 2017 |Fwd (Sweep), Cross, Coaster-Cross, Slow ¾ Turn, Fwd, Rock, Recover, Back x2 |1,2Step R fwd whilst sweeping L around clockwise, cross L over R |3&4Step back on R, step L slightly to L side, cross R over L |5Step L to L side whilst making a ¾ turn over R (keep weight on L foot and leave R foot extended/ slightly off the floor) Note: this is a slow ¾ turn. |6,7&Step fwd on R (9:00), rock fwd on L, recover weight back onto R |8&Step back on L, step back on R | |¼ Sway, Recover, Behind, ¼ Fwd, Fwd, Pivot ½, Fwd, Fwd ¼ Sweep, Cross |1,2Make ¼ turn L stepping/ swaying L to L side, recover weight onto R (6:00) |3&4Step L behind R, turn ¼ R stepping fwd onto R (9:00), step L fwd |5,6Pivot ½ turn over R with weights on R (3:00), walk fwd on L |7Step fwd on R whilst sweeping L around clockwise into a ¼ R (6:00) |8Cross L over R (slightly lunge forward, ensuring weight is down on L) | |Recover (sweep), Behind, Side, Cross, Side Rock, ¼ Recover, Fwd, Mambo, Coaster (prep) |1Recover weight back onto R whilst sweeping L around counter-clockwise |2&3Step L behind, step R to R side, cross L over R |4&5Rock R to R side, recover weight onto L, turn ¼ L stepping fwd onto R (3:00) |6&7Rock fwd onto L, recover back onto R, step back onto L |8&Step back on R, step L together | |Fwd, Full Turn Triple Back, Sweep, Cross, Syncopated Vine ¼, Fwd, Pivot ½ |1Step fwd on R (prep for turn by slightly opening shoulders to the right) (3:00) |2&Make ½ turn over L stepping fwd on L, step R beside L (9:00) |3Make ½ turn over L stepping fwd on L whilst sweeping around counter-clockwise (3:00) |4Cross R over L |5,6&Step L to L side, step R behind L, turn ¼ L stepping fwd on L (12:00) |7,8Step R fwd, pivot ½ over L (6:00) | |TAG A (8 counts) “I was your man and you were my girl” |After the second and fifth sequence, add the following 8 counts. Begin the Tag facing 12:00 and you will finish the Tag facing 6:00, both times. |Walk, Walk, Rock Fwd, Recover, ¼ Side, Weave, Side Rock, 1 ¼ Roll (or ¼ shuffle fwd) |1Large step fwd on R (punch R arm out to R side) |2Large step fwd on L (punch L arm out to L side) |3&Rock R fwd (point both index fingers fwd), recover weight back onto L (point thumbs to yourself) |4Turn ¼ R whilst stepping/rocking R to R side (3:00) (push both palms down, waist height) |5&6&7Step L to L side, step R behind L, step L to L side, cross R over L, rock/step L to L side |8Turn ¼ R stepping fwd on R (6:00) |&Make ½ turn R stepping back on L |1Make a further ½ turn over R and begin the dance again by stepping R fwd (1) |(Option: to replace counts 8&1, simply complete a ¼ shuffle forward: Count 1 when finishing the shuffle is the start of the dance) | |TAG B (4 counts) |Complete the following 4 counts after walls 3(12:00),6 (12:00),8 (12:00) ,9 (6:00) |Rocking Chair, 2x Pivots |1&2&Rock fwd on R, recover back onto L, rock back onto R, recover weight fwd onto L |3&4&Step R fwd, pivot ½ over L, Step R fwd, pivot ½ over L | |Sequence |.32 |.32 |.8c TAG |.32 +4c TAG |.32 |.32 |.8c TAG |.32 +4c TAG |.32 |.32 +4c TAG |.32 +4c TAG |.16 (finish) | |Contact: +61430346939 - madpuggy@hotmail.com - http://www.linedancewithillawarra.com/maddison-glover |BIG thank you to Rachael McEnaney-White for your contributions | ||||