Dans Le Tango
Steps: 64 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Improver Musik: In-Tango by In-Grid Kunstner: Koreograf: Pat Stott (February 2017) |Commence after approx 17 seconds this will be during the instrumental – |You will dance the first 32 counts of the dance before the vocals start. | |S1: Box step |1-4Forward on left, hold, right to right, close left to right |5-8Back on right, hold, left to left, close right to left | |S2: Large step to left, hold with a slight drag, right toe - in, out, in, large step to right, hold with a slight drag, left toe - in, out, in |1-2Large step to left, hold and slightly drag right towards left about halfway |&3,4Touch right toe next to left, point out to right, touch right toe next to left |5-6Large step to right, hold and slightly drag left towards right about halfway |&7,8Touch left toe next to right, point out to left, touch left toe next to right |* Restart here on wall 3 facing 6 o'clock) | |S3: Box step |1-4Forward on left, hold, right to right, close left to right |5-8Back on right, hold, left to left, close right to left | |S4: Large step to left, hold and slowly drag right to left, large step to right, hold and drag left to right |1-4Large step to left, hold and slowly drag right to left over 3 beats |5-8Large step to right, hold and slowly drag left to right over 3 beats | |S5: Step, point, step, point, step flick, step back, sweep |1-4Step forward on left, point right to right, step forward on right, point left to left |5-8Step forward on left, flick right foot behind left knee (turn body slightly to right diagonal to make it easier to flick the foot behind), square up and step back on right, Sweep left round from front to back | |S6: Back, sweep, back, hook, forward, flick behind, back, sweep |1-4Step back on left, sweep right round from front to back, back on right, hook left in front of right leg |5-8Forward on left, flick right behind left knee (turning body slightly as above), square up and step back on right, sweep left round from front to back | |S7: Weave, sweep, weave, sweep |1-4Cross left behind right, right to right, cross left in front of right, sweep right round from back to front |5-8Cross right over left, left to left, cross right behind left, sweep left from front to back | |S8: Rock back, recover, 1/4 right stepping left to left, sway hips - left, right, left, big step to right, drag left to right |1-4Rock back on left, recover onto right, turn 1/4 right stepping left to left, sway hips to left |5-8Sway hips to right, sway hips left, large step to right (pushing off left foot), drag left towards right |** Tag here end of wall 6 | |*Restart after 16 counts during wall 3 (facing 6 o'clock) | |**Tag: end of wall 6 (Facing 3 o'clock) |Keep weight on right foot, bend right knee to give you stability then slowly circle the left foot round anti-clockwise keeping the left toe in contact with the floor until the song kicks in again then restart the dance. | |Choreographers Note: for a dramatic 'tag' bend the right knee as far as you like in order to create a large circle anti-clockwise with the left toe, slowly straightening right knee at the end. |Ending : dance upto and including steps 1-6 of section 8 then turn 1/2 turn right (on the right foot) to face 12 o'clock, step left to left with left knee bent with right toe out to the right. Pose! | |Alternative music: with the permission of Rob Fowler and Daniel Whittaker |Tango by Michael Nantel |Commence after 64 counts on the vocals (no tags or restarts) |Ending: Dance up to step 2 of section 8, replace the 1/4 turn right with a 1/2 turn right to face 12 o'clock, Slow the sways and the large step drag to fit with the music. | |Contact: www.patstott.com - patstott1@hotmail.co.uk - patstott1@icloud.com | ||||