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Straight To The Castle  

Steps: 96             Vægge: 1             Niveau: Phrased / Contra Advanced - paso doble
Musik: Halsey - Castle (Deluxe Edition)      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Joey Warren – April 2017

|*** Before you start teaching the dance, divide the class down the middle.
|You will have a Right side and a Left side. Leave some space in the center of the 2 “teams”.
|Everyone starts facing forward but with a gap between the 2 sides.
|Section A: 64 counts
|A1: Cross Side Recover Cross, Rock & Cross, Touch Step Together
|1234Step R fwd & across L, Rock/Step L out to L, Recover to R, Step L fwd/across R
|5-&-6Rock R out to R side, Recover to L, Cross R over L
|7 – 8Touch L out to L, Step L next to R (take weight on L)
|A2: Step Kick, Step Kick (Traveling back), Coaster Step, Stomp Stomp
|1234Step back on R, Low strong kick fwd on L, Step back on L, Low strong kick fwd on R
|5-&-6Step back on R, Step L back beside R, Step R fwd (not a huge step here)
|7 – 8Stomp L foot beside R, Stomp R beside L (stay in place on these stomps)
|A3: Cross Side Recover Cross, Rock & Cross, Touch Step Together
|1234Step L fwd & across R, Rock/Step R out to R, Recover to L, Step R fwd/across L
|5-&-6Rock L out to L side, Recover to R, Cross L over R
|7 – 8Touch R out to R, Step R next to L (take weight on R)
|A4: Step Kick, Step Kick (Traveling back), Coaster Step, Stomp Stomp
|1234Step back on L, Low strong kick fwd on R, Step back on R, Low strong kick fwd on L
|5-&-6Step back on L, Step R back beside L, Step L fwd (not a huge step here)
|7 – 8Stomp R foot beside L, Stomp L beside R (stay in place on these stomps)
|A5: Step Kick Hitch, Step Kick Hitch, Step Full Turn Sweep
|1-&-2Step fwd on R, Low kick fwd on L, Hitch L knee after kick (think marching motion on hitch)
|3-&-4Step fwd on L, Low kick fwd on R, Hitch R knee after kick (think marching motion again here)
|5678Step fwd on R, ½ Turn R stepping back on L, ½ Turn R stepping R fwd and sweeping L around over counts 7-8
|A6: Rock Recover Step Back, Triple Step, Double Sweep
|1234Rock fwd on L, Recover back on R, Step back on L, Step R back beside L
|5-&-6Step L fwd, Step R beside L, Step/Stomp L beside R as you lift R foot slightly off ground
|7 – 8Sweep R in small clockwise circle, Sweep R in clockwise circle making this one a bit larger
|*** On 2nd sweep you actually have counts 8,1 to sweep so on count 1 finish sweep with R foot headed back behind L
|A7: Hold, Back Rock Recover, Side Step, Weave, Full Turn
|1234Hold, Rock R back behind L, Recover down on L, Step R to R side (think slow sailor step)
|5-&-6Step L behind R, Step R out to R, Cross L over R
|7 – 8½ Turn R stepping R slightly fwd, ½ Turn R stepping L back
|A8R: (RIGHT SIDE LAST 8 COUNT of A -This will turn Right Side to 9 o’clock to face left side)
|Step Point-Step Point Traveling Back, Behind Side ¼ Turn Rock Recover
|1234Step back on R, Point L toe to L, Step back on L, Point R toe to R
|5678Step R behind L, Step L out to L, ¼ Turn L rocking fwd on R, Recover back L
|A8L: (LEFT SIDE LAST 8 COUNT of A – This will turn Left Side to 3 o’clock to face right side)
|Step Point-Step Point Traveling Back, Behind Side-Cross Over ¼ Turn
|1234Step back on R, Point L toe to L, Step back on L, Point R toe to R
|5678Step R behind L, Step L to L, Cross R over L, ¼ Turn R stepping back on L
|You always do B traveling towards each other and you always do B at least twice following A! But, your 2nd B has different endings for each side so it turns both teams back to 12 o’clock. When I put the sequence, I will call this B Alt and the only thing that changes is the last 4 counts described by Left Side, Right Side below.
|Section B & B Alt – 32 counts
|B1: Fwd Stomp, Triple Fwd Kick, Step Drag Hook, And Hook And Hook
|1-2&3Heavy step fwd on R, Step L fwd, Step R next to L, Step L fwd as you kick R fwd
|*** These are very distinct heavy steps, so not scooting like a triple but all individual steps
|4-5-6Small step back on R, Big step back on L as you drag R towards, Hook R across L
|&7&8Small step fwd on R, Hook/Flick L foot behind R knee, Step back on L, Hook/Flick R across L
|*** Open body towards R diagonal on the last hook to prep for full turn walk around to the R
|B2: Slow Walk, Slow Walk, Triple with a Sweep (All together making full turn R)
|1 – 2¼ Turn R stepping R fwd (your leg is hitched across left until this point), Hold count 2
|3 – 4Step L fwd for 1/8 Turn R (1:30 diagonal R, 7:30 diagonal L), Hold count 4
|5678Finish making the full turn R by stepping R, L, R and sweeping L around over counts 7-8
|B3: Weave w/ Heel Flicks, Weave w/ Heel Flicks
|1 – 2Cross L over R (coming out of that sweep w/ L), Step R to R side
|3&4&Cross step L behind R, Hook R across L, Small kick fwd on R, Flick R heel out to R
|5 – 6Cross step R over L, Step L out to L side
|7&8&Cross step R behind L, Hook L across R, Small kick fwd on L, Flick L heel out to L
|*** These hooks and flicks are fast! They should be very sharp and relatively low to the ground
|B4: Cross Point, Cross Point, Sweep-Sweep, Coaster Step
|1234Cross L over R, Point R toe out to R side, Cross R over L, Point L toe out to L side
|5 – 6Small step back on L as you sweep R front to back, Small step back on R sweeping L back
|7-&-8Step back on L, Step R back beside L, Step L fwd
|Cross Point, Cross Point, ¼ Step, ½ Back, Coaster Step
|1234Cross L over R, Point R toe out to R side, Cross R over L, Point L toe out to L side
|5 –1/4 Turn L stepping L fwd, ½ Turn L stepping R back
|7-&-8Step back on L, Step R back beside L, Step L fwd
|**** This should turn Right Side back to 12 o’clock
|Cross Point, Cross Point, ¼ Cross, ½ Back, Coaster Step
|1234Cross L over R, Point R toe out to R side, Cross R over L, Point L toe out to L side
|5 – 6¼ Turn R stepping L fwd and across R, ½ Turn L stepping R back
|7-&-8Step back on L, Step R back beside L, Step L fwd
|**** This should turn Left Side back to 12 o’clock
|TAG 1: This is only done once. You always start and end Tags facing each other!!
|The Tags are all done so the 2 teams are facing each other getting ready to battle in B
|Step Back Sweep, Step Back Sweep
|1234Step back on R as you sweep L out and behind R
|5678Step back on L as you sweep R out and behind L
|Back - Drag the Left, Side - Drag the Right
|1234Step back on R as you drag L beside R on count 4
|5678Step L out to L side dragging R towards L
|R Full Sweep Clockwise, R side – Drag the Left
|1234Exaggerated R full sweep clockwise keeping foot on the floor and slight bend in L knee
|5678Step R out to R as you drag L towards it
|L Full Sweep Anti Clockwise, L side – Drag the Right
|1234Exaggerated L full sweep anti clockwise keeping foot on the floor and slight bend in R knee
|5678Step L out to L as you drag R towards it
|Step Fwd R, Slow ½ Turn To L, Step ½ Turn to L
|1234Step fwd on R, begin slow ½ turn to L over counts 234 (the teams backs are now facing)
|5678Finish ½ L by leaving weight on R (count 5), Step L fwd (6), step Fwd.on R (7), Pivot 1/2 turn Left (8)
|*** The timing is tricky, counts 678 should be done when she says the lyrics “Headed straight for the” and then “Castle is the first count of part B
|TAG 2: Also, only done once. It is pretty much the same as Tag 1 but shorter and a change in last 4 counts. You do this facing each other entire time….no turns here.
|Step Back Sweep, Step Back Sweep
|1234Step back on R as you sweep L out and behind R
|5678Step back on L as you sweep R out and behind L
|Back - Drag the Left, Side - Drag the Right
|1234Step back on R as you drag L beside R on count 4
|5678Step L out to L side dragging R towards L
|R Full Sweep Clockwise, R side – Drag the Left
|1234Exaggerated R full sweep clockwise keeping foot on the floor and slight bend in L knee
|5678Step R out to R as you drag L towards it
|L Full Sweep Anti Clockwise, Rock-Recover, Coaster Step
|1234Exaggerated L full sweep anti clockwise keeping foot on the floor and slight bend in R knee
|567&8Rock fwd on L, Recover back on R, Step back on L, Step R beside L, Step L fwd
|*** Again tricky timing….but the coaster like the ½ turn should be done on lyrics “Straight to The”
|TAG 3: Also, only done once. Sides will face each other entire time here as well.
|Step Back Sweep, Step Back Sweep, Step Back Sweep, Coaster Step
|1 – 2Step back on R as you sweep L from front to back
|3 – 4Step back on L as you sweep R from front to back
|5 – 6Step back on R as you sweep L from front to back
|*** Small hop steps back as you sweep if you are able for some styling
|7-&-8Step back L, Step R back beside L, Step L fwd
|Notes on Sequence.
|Everyone faces 12 o’clock to do part A…..every time A is done at 12 o’clock by everyone!
|Tags & B’s are done with the 2 sides facing off!!!
|B Alt is your repeat of B and a change in the last 4 counts to turn both teams back to 12 o’clock!
|B Alt only happens twice cause the dance starts with A with everyone already facing front!!
|A, Tag 1, B, B-Alt, A, Tag 2, B, B-Alt, A, Tag 3, B, B, B, B (Ending…step fwd on R, Step L fwd Kick R low to ground)
|*** The last 4 B’s you stay facing each other the entire time so NO B Alt to turn back to 12
|Please see video if you are having any issues as this is a difficult dance to write out and explain on paper.
|Contact: tennesseefan85@yahoo.com
|Last Update - 7th May 2017