Rise Up
Steps: 64 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Intermediate Musik: Rise Up by Andra Day (Album: Cheers To The Fall) Kunstner: Koreograf: Dwight Meessen – June 2017 |I want to dedicate this dance to my stepmother who has breast cancer. |You are a fantastic and lovely person! |You can win this battle. Be strong and lots of love. | |Info: Start on vocals | |S1: Slow NC Basic x2 |1-4RF big step side, LF drag, LF rock behind, RF recover |5-8LF big step side, RF drag, RF rock behind, LF recover [12] | |S2: ¼ R Fwd, Hold, Spiral ⅞ R/Sweep, Fwd x2, Rock Fwd Recover |1-2RF ¼ right step forward, hold |3-4RF ⅞ turn right on ball foot and sweep LF around in 2 counts |5-8LF step forward, RF step forward, LF rock forward, RF recover [1.30] | |S3: Back x2, Rock Back Recover, ⅛ R Fwd, Unwind ¾ R/Sweep, Behind, Side |1-4LF step back, RF step back, LF rock back, RF recover |5-6LF ⅛ right step forward, LF ¾ right on ball foot and sweep RF back |7-8RF cross behind, LF step side [12] | |S4: Cross, Sweep, Mod. Diamond ½ L |1-4RF cross over, LF sweep forward, LF cross over, RF step side |5-6LF ⅛ left step back, RF step back |7-8LF ⅛ left step side, RF ¼ left step forward [6] | |S5: Rock Fwd Recover, Back, Sweep, Back, Sweep, Back, Side |1-2LF rock forward, RF recover |3-6LF step back, RF sweep back, RF step back, LF sweep back |7-8LF step back, RF step side [6] | |S6: Cross, Sweep (x2), Jazz Box ¼ L |1-2LF cross over, RF sweep forward and push R hand up with fingers spread |3-4RF cross over, LF sweep forward and R hand down |5-8LF cross over, RF ¼ left step back, LF step side, RF step forward [3] | |S7: Cross, Sweep (x2), Jazz Box Cross ¼ L |1-2LF cross over, RF sweep forward and push R hand up with fingers spread |3-4RF cross over, LF sweep forward and R hand down |5-8LF cross over, RF ¼ left step back, LF step side, RF cross over [12] | |S8: Slow NC Basic, ¼ R Fwd, Pivot ¼ R, Cross |1-4LF big step side, RF drag, RF rock behind, LF recover |5-8RF ¼ right step forward, LF step forward, L+R ¼ turn right, LF cross over [6] | |Start again | |TAG: After the 2nd and 5th walls: |Slow Sway x2, ¼ R Fwd, Pivot ¼ R, Cross |1-2RF step side and hips right in 2 counts |3-4hips left in 2 counts |5-8RF ¼ right step forward, LF step forward, L+R ¼ turn right, LF cross over | |Slow Sway x2, ¼ R Fwd, Pivot ¼ R, Cross |1-2RF step side and hips right in 2 counts |3-4hips left in 2 counts |5-8RF ¼ right step forward, LF step forward, L+R ¼ turn right, LF cross over | |Slow NC Basic x2 |1-4RF big step side, LF drag, LF rock behind, RF recover |5-8LF big step side, RF drag, RF rock behind, LF recover | |Slow Sway x2, ¼ R Fwd, Pivot ¼ R, Cross |1-2RF step side and hips right in 2 counts |3-4hips left in 2 counts |5-8RF ¼ right step forward, LF step forward, L+R ¼ turn right, LF cross over | | |||||