Das Vi Daniya
Steps: 64 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Intermediate Musik: Hello by Mandinga Feat. Fly Project (iTunes, length of track 3:05) Kunstner: Koreograf: Daniel Whittaker (UK) June 2017 |NOTE: There is 1 Restart during wall 2, you dance first 32 counts and restart facing the front 12:00 | |START: Start the dance during the instrumental, 32 counts then start (aprox 16 seconds) |Section Footwork description Facing | |[1-8] Walk forward, ½ turn back touch, kick & point, point front, side |1-2Facing 12:00 wall step right foot forward (12), make ½ turn right stepping left foot back (6) 06:00 |3-4Step right foot back (6), touch left beside right (6) 06:00 |5&6Kick left foot forward, step left beside right, touch right to right side 06:00 |7-8Touch right toe forward, touch right to right side 06:00 | |[9-16] Coaster step, Shuffle left forward, Jazz box ¼ turn right |1&2Step right foot back, step left beside right, step right foot forward 06:00 |3&4Shuffle forward L-R-L 06:00 |5-8Step right over left, make ¼ turn right stepping left foot back, step right to right side, cross left over right 09:00 | |[17-24] Side rock, behind and cross, side step hold, synopated side step left |1-2Rock right to right side, recover weight on to the left 09:00 |3&4Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left 09:00 |5-6Step left to left side, HOLD 09:00 |&7-8Step right beside left, step left to left side, touch right beside left 09:00 | |[25-32] Grapevine, ½ turn, chasse rock step |1-4Step right foot to right side (9), step left behind right foot (9), make ¼ turn right stepping right foot forward (12), |make ¼ turn right brush left forward (3) 03:00 |5&6Step left to left side, close right to left, step left to left side 03:00 |7-8Rock right behind left, recover weight on left 03:00 |*** RESTART HERE AFTER 32-COUNTS ON WALL 2 *** | |[33-40] Right side step, hold, Chasse right, Toe switches (L-R-L), Double clap |1-2Step right to right side, hold 03:00 |&3&4Step left beside right, step right to right side, step left beside right, step right to right side 03:00 |5&6&7Touch left toe forward, switch touch right toe forward, switch touch left toe forward 03:00 |&8Clap twice 03:00 | |[41-48] Left side step, hold, Chasse left, Toe switches (R-L-R), Double clap |1-2Step left to left side, hold 03:00 |&3&4Step right beside left, step left to left side, step right beside left, step left to left side 03:00 |5&6&7Touch right toe forward, switch touch left toe forward, switch touch right toe forward 03:00 |&8Clap twice 03:00 | |[49-56] Monterey Turn ½ turn, Touch out, touch infront, hitch right, touch right toe back |1-4Touch right to right side, make ½ turn right stepping right beside left, touch left to left side, step left over right 03:00 |5-8Touch right to right side, touch right toe forward, hitch right knee, touch right toe back 03:00 | |[57-64] Bump hips, flick, right cross ball step, left cross ball step |1-4Bump back, bump forward, bump back, place weight forward on left and flick right to right side 03:00 |5&6Cross right over left, rock left to left side, recover weight on right 03:00 |7&8Cross left over right, rock right to right side, recover weight on left 03:00 | |END OF DANCE | |NOTE OPTIONAL FUN & STYLING …. (THIS HAPPENS DURING SECTIONS 33-48) |Section 33-40 |1-2As you step right to right you need to slightly bend you’re knees, raising both arms up so you’re elbows are shoulder height, then make sure you’re right fingers meet the top of your left elbow, and you’re left fingers meet the underneath of you’re right elbow | |Section 41-48 |1-2As you step right to right you need to slightly bend you’re knees, raising both arms up so you’re elbows are shoulder height, then make sure you’re right fingers meet the top of your left elbow, and you’re left fingers meet the underneath of you’re right elbow | |Contact: www.dancefeveruk.com - daniel.whittaker@dancefeveruk.com - Mobile number: 07739 352209 | ||||