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Linedance Portalen

Teenage Dreams  

Steps: 40             Vægge: 4             Niveau: Improver
Musik: Happy Days by The Overtones      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Rob Fowler and Helen OMalley – August 2017

|Intro: on Main Vocals - Count: 20 (approx. 13 secs) - bpm: 100
|[1-8] Walk R, Walk L, Fwd Rock, Side Rock, R Behind Side Cross, Hitch L, Chasse L, Touch R
|1,2Walk forward R, walk forward L
|3&4&Rock forward R, recover weight on L, rock R to R side, recover weight on L
|5&6&Step R behind L, step L to L side, cross R over L, hitch L
|7&8&Step L to L side, step R next to L, step L to L side, touch R next to L (12 o’clock)
|[9-16] Side Touch, Side Touch, Chasse ¼ Turn R, Walk L Clap, Walk R Clap, Step ½ Turn Step
|1&2&Step R to R side, touch L next to R, step L to L side, touch R next to L
|NOTE: Dance finishes here during Wall 5 – stomp forward R and clap hands
|3&4Step R to R side, step L next to R, make ¼ turn R stepping forward R
|5&6&Walk forward L, clap hands, walk forward R, clap hands
|7&8Step forward L, pivot ½ turn R, step forward L (9 o’clock)
|[17-24] R Shuffle Fwd, L Shuffle Fwd, R Charleston Step
|1&2Step forward R, step L next to R, step forward R
|3&4Step forward L, step R next to L, step forward L
|5,6Touch R toe forward, step back on R
|7,8Touch L toe back, step forward L (9 o’clock)
|BRIDGE During Wall 3 only, dance up to here (count 24), then repeat counts 17-24 above, then continue with dance from count 25
|[25-32] DiagFwd R, Touch L, Back L, Hook R, Diag R Shuffle, Repeat on L
|1&2&Step R diagonally forward R, touch L behind R, step L diagonally back L, hook R in front of L
|3&4Step R diagonally forward R, step L next to R, step R diagonally forward R
|5&6&Step L diagonally forward L, touch R behind L, step R diagonally back R, hook L in front of R
|7&8Step L diagonally forward L, step R next to L, step L diagonally forward L
|[33-40] Stomp R Fwd, Clap x2, Stomp L Side, Clap x2, Elvis Knees
|1&2(Straightening up to 9 o’clock wall) Stomp R forward, clap hands x2
|3&4Stomp L to L side, clap hands x2
|5,6Bend R knee in (L leg straight), bend L knee in (R leg straight)
|7&8Bend R knee in (L leg straight), bend L knee in (R leg straight), Bend R knee in (9 o’clock)
|Start again
|TAG: At the end of Wall 3 only, add the following 4 count Tag:-
|Step Diag Back & Clap x4
|1&2&Step R diagonally back R, touch L next to R &clap, step L diagonally back L, touch R next to L &clap
|3&4&Step R diagonally back R, touch L next to R & clap, step L diagonally back L, touch R next to L & clap
|Last Update - 31st Aug 2017