Sexy Beaches
Steps: 80 Vægge: 0 Niveau: Advanced - Mixed Style Musik: Sexy beaches by Pitbull feat. Chloe Angelides. Track length: 3.58 mins. iTunes etc Kunstner: Koreograf: Dee Musk: Fred Whitehouse: Guyton Mundy: Niels Poulsen: September 2017 |Type of dance: ABC dance. A: 32 counts/nightclub. B: 16 counts/rumba. C: 32 counts/funky. | |Intro: Start after 8 counts (app. 8 secs into track). NOTE that your count-in should be slow. Start with weight on L. |**2 Restarts: 1st) During 3rd A, after 8 counts, facing 12:00. 2nd) During 5th C, after 16 counts, facing 12:00. See |Detailed Restart description at bottom of page |Sequence: ABCC, ABCC, A*, ABC*C. | |A – 32 counts/Nightclub/1 wall (The A part always starts facing 12:00) Counts |A[1 – 9] Side R, back rock, fwd L & full spiral, run run rock, back sweeps X 3, ¼ R sways, ¼ L |1 – 2&Step R to R side (1), rock back on L (2), recover fwd onto R (&) 12:00 |3Step L fwd turning a full spiral turn R on L (3) 12:00 |4&5Run R fwd (4), run L fwd (&), rock R fwd (5) 12:00 |6&7Recover L back sweeping R (6), step R back sweeping L (&), step L back sweeping R (7) 12:00 |&8&1Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side swaying body R (&), sway L (8), sway R (&), turn ¼ L onto L dragging R next to L (1) … * restart: when doing your 3rd A change counts &8&1 to: rock back on R (8), recover onto L (&). Remember: Don’t turn the ¼ R but stay facing 12:00 when doing this rock step 12:00 | |A[10 – 16] Weave, ¼ L, step turn turn, R arm up, R&L arm down & out, to chest, shoulders LR |2&3&Cross R over L (2), step L to L side (&), cross R behind L (3), turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (&) 9:00 |4&5 – 6Step R fwd (4), turn ½ L onto L (&), turn ½ L on L stepping R to R side starting to reach R arm fwd with palm opened up (5), R arm ends stretched forwards and slightly up (6) 9:00 |7&8Bring R arm down alongside R leg with R hand fisted (7), do the same with L arm (&), bring both arms up to chest crossing R arm over L (8) 9:00 |&aTwist upper-body slightly L (&), twist upper-body slightly R (a) – weight on R 9:00 | |A[17 – 24] Sweep R, cross ¼ R, R side rock, full turn with jump/kick, ¼ R, ¼ R, together, weave |1 – 2&3Recover onto L sweeping R fwd (1), cross R over L (2), turn ¼ R stepping L back (&), rock R to R side (3) 12:00 |4&5Recover onto L (4), turn ¼ R stepping R fwd (&), turn ½ R stepping back on L kicking R leg up but continuing to turn ¼ R on L (5) Styling for count 5: Jump slightly off R foot to show the lyrics ‘jump into the deep end’ … 😊 12:00 |6&7Turn ¼ R stepping R fwd (6), turn ¼ R stepping L to L side (&), step R next to L (7) 6:00 |&8&Cross L over R (&), step R to R side (8), close L behind R (&) 6:00 | |A[25 – 32] R basic, side rock cross, ½ L, R arm up, R&L arm down & out, to chest, shoulders LR |1 – 2&Step R a big step to R side (1), step L behind R (2), cross R over L (&) 6:00 |3&4&Rock L to L side (3), recover onto R (&), cross L over R (4), turn ¼ L stepping back on R (&) 3:00 |5 – 6Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side starting to reach R arm fwd with palm opened up (5), R arm ends stretched forwards and slightly up (6) 12:00 |7&8Bring R arm down alongside R leg with R hand fisted (7), do the same with L arm (&), bring both up to chest crossing R arm over L (8) 12:00 |&aTwist upper-body slightly L (&), twist upper-body slightly R (a) – weight on R 12:00 | |B – 16 counts/Rumba/1 wall (The B part always starts facing 12:00 – NOTE: use them hips!) |B[1 – 8] Sweep R diagonally L, R rocks, L side rock cross, ¼ L X 2, R rocks with body rolls |1 – 2&3Recover onto L sweeping R fwd into L diagonal (1), rock R fwd (2), recover back on L (&), recover fwd to R (3) 10:30 |4&5Turn 1/8 R rocking L to L side (4), recover onto R (&), cross L over R (5) 12:00 |6&Turn ¼ L stepping back on R (6), turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (&) 6:00 |7&8&Cross rock R slightly over L (7), recover on L (&) recover fwd to R (8), recover back on L (&) …Styling: roll body from chest and down during your two rock steps 6:00 | |B[9 – 16] Sweep L diagonally R, L rocks, R side rock cross, ¼ R X 2, L rocks with body rolls |1 – 2&3Recover onto R sweeping L fwd into R diagonal (1), rock L fwd (2), recover back on R (&), recover fwd to L (3) 7:30 |4&5Turn 1/8 L rocking R to R side (4), recover onto L (&), cross R over L (5) 6:00 |6&Turn ¼ R stepping back on L (6), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (&) 12:00 |7&8Cross rock L slightly over R (7), recover on R (&), recover fwd to L (8) … Styling: roll body from chest and down during your two rock steps 12:00 | |C – 32 counts/Funky/2 walls (The C part always starts facing 12:00 and always comes twice) |C[1 – 8] Out RL, centre, fwd L, R swivel up, return, bounce side/back/side, fwd R & open body |1&2&Step R out to R (1), step L out to L (&), step R to centre (2), step L fwd (&) 12:00 |3 – 4Step R fwd swivelling both heels R and going up on ball of both feet at the same time (3), swivel heels back again recovering back on L (4) 12:00 |5 – 8Rock R to R side (5), recover on L rocking R back (6), recover on L rocking R to R side (7), recover onto L stepping R fwd (8) Styling for count 8: open body to R side that way slightly crossing R over L when stepping R fwd AND look over R shoulder. - Note: During all 4 rocks try to bounce bending in both knees when taking your steps 12:00 | |C[9 – 16] Walk LRL fwd, together with R, walk LR back, ball back rock |1 – 2Walk L fwd (1), walk R fwd (2) … Styling: bring both arms in front of body crossing R arm over L (1), bring arms out to both sides and snap fingers (2) 12:00 |3 – 4Step L fwd (3), step R next to L (4) … Styling: push arms and hands fwd and up to face level/palms open towards face (3), flip hands around so that both palms are facing fwd/fingers pointing up (4) 12:00 |5 – 6Walk back L (5), walk back R (6) … Styling: drop arms down on count 5 12:00 |&7 – 8Step L a small step back (&), rock back on R (7), recover fwd to L (8) … * Restart: when doing your 5th C the music changes, then restart here, after 16 counts, facing 12:00 12:00 | |C[17 – 24] Step R fwd & Hand claps, push L to L side with drag, chug ¾ L |1&2Step R fwd slapping thigh with R hand and placing L hand over R thigh with palm facing down (1), slap L hand’s palm with back of R hand (&), slap R thigh with R hand again (2) 12:00 |3 – 4Drop arms stepping L a big step to L side and pushing R hand/arm to R side (3), drag R towards L (4) 12:00 |5 – 8Drop R arm starting to turn ¾ L rocking R to R side (5), continue turning and finish the ¾ turn over the next 3 counts ending with the weight on L (8) 3:00 | |C[25 – 32] Heel grind ¼ R, L side rock, cross shuffle, vine R with big step R, slide together |1 – 2&Touch R heel fwd (1), grind ¼ R on R rocking L to L side (2), recover onto R (&) 6:00 |3&4Cross L over R (3), step R a small step to R side (&), cross L over R (4) 6:00 |5 – 6Step R to R side (5), cross L behind R (6) … Styling: touch L shoulder with R hand and R shoulder with L hand (5), touch L shoulder with L hand and R shoulder with R hand (6) 6:00 |7 – 8Step R a big step to R side (7), step L next to R (8) … Styling: push hands/arms down (7), push hands/arms out to sides (8) … then drop arms again 😉 6:00 | |START AGAIN! | |Ending : When doing your last C do up to count 31 (you’re facing 6:00). Rather than stepping L to R you touch L behind R (count 32), then unwind ½ L to face 12:00 stepping L to L side 12:00 | |Contacts: - |Dee Musk: deemusk@btinternet.com |Fred Whitehouse: f_whitehouse@hotmail.com |Guyton Mundy: guyton@funk-n-line.com |Niels Poulsen: nielsbp@gmail.com | | |||