Oh Mama Hey
Steps: 32 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Intermediate Musik: Oh Mama Hey (feat. Crystal Waters) by Chris Cox and DJ Frankie [Radio Edit] (3:03) Kunstner: Koreograf: Guyton Mundy & Jo Thompson Szymanski - October 2017 |Thank you DJ Louie St. George for suggesting this song. | |Intro: 48 counts - BPM: 130. |Sequence: 32, 16 count Tag, 32, 32, 16 count Tag, 32, 4 count Tag, 32, 32, 16 count Tag, 16 count Tag, 32, 32, pose | |[1-8] PRESS R: OUT, IN, OUT, HOLD, BALL CROSS, PRESS L, SLIDE BACK/STEP, BEHIND, ¼ TURN R, FORWARD |1&2Press ball of R to right with knee turned out (1); Turn R knee in (&), Turn R knee out/look R (2) |3&4Hold (3); Step ball of L slightly back (&); Cross R over L (4) (Focus returns to normal) |5-6Allowing body to face slightly L - Press ball of L to left (keeping it pretty close to the right foot) with knee turned out slowly lowering L heel as you slide R foot back toward 3:00 (5); Step back onto R foot toward 3:00 (6) |7&8Step L behind R squaring body up to 12:00 (7); Turn ¼ right stepping R forward (&); Step L forward (8) (3:00) | |[9-16] KICK, BALL STEP, STEP, HEEL TWIST, BACK, ½ TURN L with STEP/HITCH, BALL, HITCH, BALL, HITCH, BALL, STEP |1&2Kick R forward (1); Step ball of R beside L (&); Step L forward (2) |3&4Step R forward (3); Twist both heels right and slightly off floor (&) Return heels center weight goes to L (4) |5Step R back (5) |6&7&8These counts will travel toward 9:00 as you gradually turn ½ left with a down/up feel – Turn 1/8 left stepping down on L toward 9:00 hitching R knee (6); Turn 1/8 left stepping up on ball of R beside L (&); Turn 1/8 left stepping L down toward 9:00 hitching R knee (7); Turn 1/8 left stepping up on ball of R beside L (&); Step L forward (8) (9:00) | |[17-24] SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, CROSS, SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, CROSS, GLIDING BOX FULL TURN LEFT |1&2Rock R to right (1); Recover weight to L (&); Cross R over L (2) |3&4Rock L to left (3); Recover weight to R (&); Cross L over R (4) |5-8Slide/step R to right turning ¼ left (5); Slide/step L to left turning ¼ left (6); Slide/step R to right turning ¼ left (7); Turn ¼ left stepping L forward (9:00) | |[25-32] HEEL GRIND RIGHT, HEEL GRIND LEFT ¼ TURN LEFT, CROSS, ¼ TURN R, ¼ TURN R, CROSS |1-2&Step R heel across L starting with toe turned in then grind heel turning toe out (1); Step L to left (2); Step R to right/slightly back (&) |3-4&Step L heel across R starting with toe turned in then grind heel turning toe out turning ¼ left (3); Step R to right (4); Step L to left/slightly back (&) |5-8Cross R over L (5); Turn ¼ right stepping L back (6); Turn ¼ right stepping R to right (7); Cross L over R (8) (12:00) | |TAG: 16 count tag: |[1-16] TWIST, TWIST, HOOK, TWIST, TWIST, HITCH, SAILOR R, SAILOR L ¼ TURN LEFT, REPEAT |1&2Step R to right twisting both heels right (1); Twist both toes right (&); Twist R heel right as you hook L across R shin (L knee will be pointed toward L side) (2) |3&4Step L to left twisting both heels left (3); Twist both toes left (&); Twist L heel left as you hitch (do not hook) R knee up toward R side (4) |5&6Step R behind L (5); Step L to left (&); Step R to right (6) |7&8Step L behind R (7); Turn ¼ left stepping small step R to right (&); Step L forward slightly across R (8) | |[9-16] Repeat all 8 counts | |TAG: 4 count tag: |1-4Press ball of R to right with knee out (1); Turn R knee in (2); Switch weight to R turning L knee in (3); Shift weight to L standing up doing a low kick R to right diagonal with flexed foot leaning slightly away from the kick (4) | |Ending: At the end of the song, you will be facing 12:00 – Press ball of R to right for a pose. | |||