Lights Down Low
Steps: 80 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Phrased Intermediate Musik: Lights Down Low by Max Kunstner: Koreograf: Guyton Mundy, Rebecca Lee – November 2017 |Start dance after 16 counts – Seq. : AB AB AB(16count) B(12’00) A(6.00) | |PART A (48count) |A1: STEP, ROCK BACK, ROCK FORWARD, TOUCH, ½ TURN, SLOW HITCH, FLICK |12&Step R to R side (1), Rock L behind R (2), Recover R (&) |3&4&Rock L forward (3), Recover R (&), Touch L back while bringing both arms in with palm facing chest (4) ½ turn L Step L (&) |5,6Rock L with open arms as if presenting (5) recover weight on R bringing R arm to chest and L arm to navel (6), |&7,8Bring R arm down to navel while bringing L arm to chest in a rolling motion (&), Slowly hook L foot in front of R knee while bringing R arm back to chest and L arm to navel in a rolling motion (7) , Flick L to L side (8) | |A2: STEP SWEEP, CROSS BACK BACK, COASTER STEP, ARM REACH, BACK WALK, LEAN |1Step L sweep R front (1) |2&3Cross R over L (2), Step L to L back diagonally (&), Step R back diagonally (3) facing 7.30 |4&5Step L back (4), Step R next to L (&), Step L forward (5) facing 7.30 |6&7Extend R arm upward (6) , Extend L arm upward (&), Pull both arm to the chest (7.30) |8&1Step L back (8), Step R back (&), Step L back with upper body lean back (1) 7.30 | |A3: BODY SWAY, DIAMOND STEPS, |2&3Body sway forward (2), Body sway back (&), Step R forward with sweeping L over R (3) |4&5Cross L over R (4), 1/8 turn L Step R back (&), 1/8 turn step L back (5) (4.30) |6&7Step R back (6) , 1/8 turn L Step L to L (&), 1/8 turn L Cross R over L (7) (1.30) |8&1Cross L over R (8), 1/8 turn L Step R to R(&), Cross L back with R sweep front to back (1)(12.00) | |A4: TOUCH, TOUCH HITCH, CROSS ¼ TURN STEP, 1 ¼ TURN STEP |2&3Touch R behind L (2), Touch R to R side with scuff on the (&), Hitch R (3) |4,5Cross R over L (4), ¼ turn L Step L forward (5), |61 ¼ turn L with hook R behind L knee (6) |7,8&Step L to L side(7), Rock R behind L (8) , Recover L (&) | |A5: STEP (ARM MOVEMENT), FULL TURN L, STEP TOGETHER, HEAD LOOK L |1&2Step L to L diagonal with R arm reach up (1), Reach L arm up (&), Pull both arm to chest (2) (4.30) |3&4Extend R arm to R side (7.30), Place L hand to R shoulder (&), Full Turn L while bring the R arm in and place R hand in front of L hand (looking like a X)(4) (3.00) |56Roll both hand in toward the chest (5), Roll it out with both palm facing out (6) |7&8Step R forward (7), Step L next to R (&) Head look to L (8) (3.00) | |A6: WALK BACK, ¾ TURN L , BODY SWAY, ROCK BACK, PREP |1,2&3Step L back (1), Step R back (2), Step L back(&) ¼ turn L cross R over L (3) |4&5½ turn L step L to L side with body sway (4), R body sway (&), L body sway (5) |6&Rock R behind L (6), Recover L (&) |7,8Step R to R and slightly rotate the upper body to R side to prepare for L rolling vine turn | |PART B (32Count) |B1: L ROLLING VINE, ARM MOVEMENT (DRAW THE ZORRO Z) |1&2Recover L turning ¼ turn L into L (1), ½ turn L step R back on R (&), ¼ turn L step L to L with |R arm extend to diagonal L (2) (6.00) |3&4&Slide the R arm to R diagonally down (3), Slide R arm to L diagonally down (&) , Slide R to R side (4) Bring the R arm straight up as if reaching for the light bulb |5,6Twist the R hand to forward twice as if unscrewing the light bulb |7,8Bring R arm across the body to L side, Bring R elbow back to R side with stepping R to R side | |B2: ROCK BACK, ¼ TURN STEP, ½ TURN PIVOT, ARM MOVEMENT, ROCK BACK,STEP |1&2Rock L behind R (1), Recover R (&) , ¼ turn L step L forward (2) |3&4Step R forward (3) , ½ turn pivot L bring the R arm place R hand to the mouth (&), bring L hand place it over R hand (4), |5,6Slowly bring both hand down to the chest while slowly bend the knee to a sitting position |7,8Rock R back with extend both arm forward (7), Recover L with pull both arm toward the chest (8) |On wall 3 count 7,8 make a ¼ turn R and prep for restart facing 12’00 | |B3: STEP SWEEP X3, ROCK ½ TURN, 1 ¼ TURN L, PREP |1,2,3Step R sweep L forward (1) , Step L sweep R forward (2) , Step L sweep R forward (3) |4&5Rock R forward (4), Recover L (&) , ½ turn L step L forward (5) (9.00) |6&7½ turn L step R back, ½ turn L step L forward, ¼ turn L step R to R side |8Prep body to R | |B4: L ROLLING VINE, ARM MOVEMENT ( DRAW THE ZORRO Z), ARM WAVE |1&2Recover L turning ¼ turn L into L (1), ½ turn L step R back on R (&), ¼ turn L step L to L with arm extend to diagonal L (2) (6.00) |3&4&Slide the R arm to R diagonally down (3), Slide R arm to L diagonally down (&) , Slide R arm to R side (4) Bring the R arm straight up as if reaching for the light bulb(&) |5,6Twist the R hand forward twice as if unscrewing the light bulb |7,8Snake R arm from R to L twice across body transfer weight to L on last snake arm | | |||