Back From The Fire
Steps: 30 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Low Advanced Musik: Back From The Fire by Gold Brother Kunstner: Koreograf: Roy Verdonk, Jef Camps & Eleni de Kok - February 2018 |(intro 16 counts) | |S1: DIAGONAL STEP-LOCK-STEP, STEP-LOCK, KNEE POP, DROP, BACK, 3/8 STEP, ¾ TURN, DIAGONAL ROCKING CHAIR |1&2&1/8 turn L & LF step forward, RF lock behind LF, LF step forward, RF step forward (10:30) |3&4&LF lock behind RF, pop R knee up while lifting R heel, drop R heel, LF step diagonally R back (10:30) |Styling: when popping the knee you can lift your R shoulder and bend your head towards the R shoulder |53/8 turn R & RF step forward (3:00) |6&½ turn R & LF step back, ¼ turn R & RF step side (12:00) |7&8&1/8 turn R & LF rock forward, recover on RF, LF rock back, recover on RF (1:30) | |S2: STEP, 1/8 SWEEP, CROSS, BACK, BACK, CROSS, BACK, ¼ SIDE, TOUCH, POINT, JAZZ BOX, CROSS |1-2LF step forward, RF sweep forward making 1/8 turn L (12:00) |&3&4RF cross over LF, LF step diagonally back, RF step diagonally back, LF cross over RF |&5RF step back, ¼ turn L & LF step side (9:00) |6&RF touch next to LF, RF point to side |7&8&RF cross over LF, LF step back, RF step side, LF cross over RF | |S3: SIDE, ¾ SPIRAL TURN, STEP, SIDE ROCK/RECOVER, WEAVE WITH SWEEP, BEHIND, ¼ STEP, ROCK FWD/RECOVER, COASTER |1-2&RF step side, make ¾ spiral turn L on RF (LF hooked), step forward on LF (12:00) |3&RF rock side, recover on LF |4&5RF cross over LF, LF step side, RF cross behind LF & sweep LF backwards |6&LF cross behind RF, ¼ turn R & RF step forward (3:00) |7&8&LF rock forward, recover on RF, LF step back, RF close next to LF | |S4: STEP, ¾ HINGE TURN, CROSS ROCK/RECOVER, SIDE, CROSS, SIDE, SAILOR |1-2&LF step forward, ½ turn L & RF step back, ¼ turn L & LF step side (6:00) |3&4&RF cross over LF, recover on LF, RF step side, LF cross over RF |5-6&RF big step side while sweeping LF 1/8 turn L, LF cross behind RF, RF step side slightly fwd (4:30) | |Start again! | |Restart: in wall 3 after 24 counts |Dance up to count 8& from the 3rd section and add a 1/8 turn R before restarting the dance to 4:30. | |Tag + restart: in wall 6 dance up to count 6& from the second section and add following steps before restarting the dance to the front wall |11/8 turn R and put weight on RF (4:30) |2-3Bend through knees and lean forward while snapping fingers, stretch up |4-5Bend through knees and lean forward while snapping fingers, stretch up |6-7Bend through knees and lean forward while snapping fingers, stretch up |8Bend through knees and lean forward while snapping fingers |Styling: bring body and arms slightly in when bending and open up when stretching up | |1-2½ turn L and bring weight on LF, RF lock behind LF and pop L knee up while snapping fingers (10:30) |3-4LF step forward, RF lock behind LF and pop L knee up while snapping fingers (10:30) |5-6LF step forward, RF lock behind LF and pop L knee up while snapping fingers (10:30) |7-8LF step forward, RF lock behind LF and pop L knee up while snapping fingers (10:30) |Styling: in those locks make a rolling movement | |Restart dancing to 10:30 | | |||