I'm Not Your Toy
Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Improver Musik: Toy by Netta (single, Israël Eurovision 2018) 136 bpm Kunstner: Koreograf: Dwight Meessen – April 2018 |Intro: 32 counts | |Rock Side Recover, Ball Rock Side Recover, Cross, ¼ L Back, ¼ L Touch, ⅛ L Hitch |1-2RF rock side, LF recover |&3-4RF step beside on ball foot, LF rock side, RF recover |5-6LF cross over, RF ¼ left step back |7-8LF ¼ left touch beside, LF ⅛ left hitch [4.30] | |Rock Fwd Recover, Behind, ⅜ R Fwd, Rock Fwd Recover, Ball Back, Back |1-2LF rock forward, RF recover |3-4LF cross behind, RF ⅜ right step forward |5-6LF rock forward, RF recover |&7-8LF step beside on ball foot, RF step back, LF step back [9] | |Rock Back Recover, Ball Fwd, Fwd, Toe Switches Into Monterey ½ R, Toe Switches |1-2RF rock back, LF recover |&3-4RF step beside on ball foot, LF step forward, RF step forward |5&LF point side, LF together |6-7RF point side, RF ½ right step beside |8&1LF point side, LF together, RF point side [3] | |Paddle ¼ L x2, Flick, Dorothy x2 |2-4RF ¼ left point side, RF ¼ left point side, RF flick behind |5-6&RF step right forward, LF lock behind, RF step forward |7-8&LF step left forward, RF lock behind, LF step forward [9] | |Start again | |Restarts: Dance the 5th and 7th wall up to and including count 16 (count 8 of the 2nd section) and start again | |||