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Linedance Portalen

Sober Saturday Night  

Steps: 32             Vægge: 2             Niveau: Intermediate
Musik: Sober Saturday Night - Chris Young (ft. Vince Gill) Album: Im Comin Over(3.15)      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Maddison Glover (AUS) May 2018

|Dance begins after count 16
|Side, 1/8 Back, Back, ¼ Fwd, Step Forward, Pivot ½, 2x Walks Fwd, Rock/Recover, Back, 1/8 Side
|1,2&Step R to R side, turn 1/8 L stepping back on L (10:30), step back on R (10:30)
|3,4&Turn ¼ L stepping fwd on L (7:30), step fwd on R (7:30), pivot ½ turn over L (1:30)
|5,6,7&Walk fwd R, walk fwd L, rock fwd on R, recover weight back onto L (1:30)
|8&Step back on R, turn 1/8 L stepping L to L side (12:00)
|Cross, Side, Back/Rock, Cross, Side, Back/Rock, Cross, ¼ Back, ¼ Side, Cross, Side, 1/8 Point Back
|1&2Cross R over L, step L to L side, rock back onto R (opening shoulders into R diagonal)
|3&4Cross L over R, step R to R side, rock back onto L (opening shoulder into L diagonal)
|5&6Cross R over L, turn ¼ R as you step back on L (3:00), turn ¼ R as you step R to R side (6:00)
|7&Cross L over R, step R to R side (6:00)
|8Turn 1/8 L as you point L toe back (back L leg straight, front R leg slightly lunged fwd into 4:30)
|Slow Kick Fwd, Fwd, Fwd, 1/8 Side Basic, ½ Hinge, ¼ Fwd, ¼ Side, 1/8 Back, Back, 1/8 Side
|1,2&Raise L leg slowly (slow kick), step fwd on L, step R slightly fwd (4:30)
|3,4&Turn 1/8 R as you step L to L side, close R foot together, cross L over R (6:00)
|5Step R to R side as you make a ½ hinge turn over L – have L toe pointed out to L side (12:00)
|6&Turn ¼ L stepping fwd on L (9:00), turn ¼ L stepping R to R side (6:00)
|7,8&Turn 1/8 L stepping back on L (4:30), step back on R (4:30), turn 1/8 L stepping L to L side (3:00)
|Cross Rock/ Recover, Cross Rock/Recover ¼, Basic, ½ Hinge, Side, Cross
|1,2&Cross rock R over L (3:00), recover weight back onto L, step R to R side
|3,4&Cross rock L over R, recover weight back onto R, turn ¼ L stepping L slightly fwd (12:00)
|* RESTART HERE DURING 5th SEQUENCE. See notes below.
|5,6&Step R to R side, close L foot together, cross R over L
|7Step L to L side as you make a ½ hinge turn over R- have R toe pointed out to R side (6:00)
|8&Step R to R side, cross L over R (6:00)
|Restart: During wall 5 you will start the dance facing 12:00. Dance up to count 28& and restart the dance
|facing 12:00. This is after the instrumental.
|End: You will start wall 7 facing the back (6:00). After count 4&, you will walk around in an arc (turning left)
|slowly stepping: R, L, R, L then take a large step to the R * inserts awwwwww*
|maddisonglover94@gmail.com - Mobile: +61430346939
|Choreographed for Mayworth (Australian Country Dance Festival)