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Linedance Portalen

Make Way  

Steps: 64             Vægge: 2             Niveau: Intermediate
Musik: Make Way by Aloe Blacc      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Fred Whitehouse (Ireland) Guillaume RICHARD (France) Derek Steele (USA) May 2018

|Intro – 32 Count
|[1-8] Rock Recover, Weave, Rock Recover, Weave (push hips)
|1,2Rock RF to R diagonal, recover weight on to LF (Push hip forward, Recover hip)
|3&4Step RF behind L, step LF to L side, cross RF over L
|5,6Rock LF to L diagonal, recover weight on to RF (Push hip forward, Recover hip)
|7&8Step LF behind R, step RF to R side, cross LF over R
|[9-16] V step with heels, Step back, Coaster step, Step clap x2, Hold with double clap
|&1,2Step R heel out, step L heel out, step RF back (As you step heels out raise both hands palms facing front)
|3&4Step LF back, close RF next to L, step LF forward
|5&6Step RF to R diagonal, clap both hands face level, step LF to L diagonal
|&7Clap both hands face level, step RF back as L heel is forward
|&8Clap both hands face level twice
|[17-24] Ball step forward, Pivot ½ Turn R, ¼ turn Weave, Pivot ½ turn, ¼ turn Weave
|&1,2Close LF next to R, step RF forward, pivot ½ turn L placing weight on LF
|3,4&¼ turn L stepping RF to R side, step LF behind R, ¼ turn R stepping RF forward
|5,6,7Step LF forward, pivot ½ turn R placing weight on to RF, ¼ turn R stepping LF to L side
|8&Step RF behind L, step LF to L side
|[25-32] Cross, Heel touches x2, Behind, Side, Jazz box with a mini jump (or touch)
|1,2,3Cross RF over L, touch L heel to L diagonal, touch L heel to L diagonal
|4&5step LF behind R, step RF to R side, cross LF over R
|6,7,8Step RF back, step LF to L side, make a small jump L as you place both feet together (place L hand on to off R, palms facing down, hip height)
|[33-40] Heel Flick x4, Scuff and Swing, Sailor ½ turn R
|1&2Flick R heel up to R side, close R next to L, flick L heel up to L side
|&3&Close L next to R, flick R heel up to R side, touch R next to L
|4,5,6Flick R heel up to R side, scuff RF forward, swing RF from front to back
|7&8Step RF behind L, ¼ turn R stepping LF to L side, ¼ turn R stepping RF forward
|[41-48] Ball Cross ¼ turn R, Walks x2, Rock, Recover, Walks x4, Close
|&1,2Step LF forward, ¼ turn R stepping RF over L, step LF to L side
|3,4&Step RF over L, rock LF to L side, recover weight on RF
|5,6,Cross LF over R, step RF to R side
|7,8&Cross LF over R, step RF to R side, close LF next to R
|[49-57] Point x3, Hitch, Slide, Hold, Ball Step, 3/8 turn L Shuffle
|1,2,3Point RF to R side, touch RF forward, touch RF to R side
|4,5,6Hitch R knee to L diagonal, step RF back diagonal, hold (hitch and slide back dragging L heel over 2 counts)
|&7Close LF next to R, step RF forward diagonal
|8&1Make 1/8 turn L stepping LF forward, close RF next to L, ¼ turn L stepping LF forward,
|[58-64] Hitch, Large Slide R, Touch, Scuff, Step, Touch, Step, Heel, Step, Touch
|2,3Hitch R knee up, step RF to R side (large step R leading into a drag)
|4,5&Touch LF next to R, scuff LF forward, step LF forward
|6&7Touch RF behind L, step RF back, touch LF heel forward
|&8Step LF next to R, touch RF next to L