Steps: 32 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Easy Intermediate Musik: Chunky by Bruno Mars Kunstner: Koreograf: Rebecca Lee (Malaysia) Feb 2017 |Start dance after 12counts (approx. 0.07) | |SIDE TOGETHER, ¼ MODIFIED JAZZ BOX, KNEE POP, BALL CROSS, SIDE CHASSE |1,2Step R to R (facing diagonally 10.30), Step L next to R |3&4Cross R over L, ¼ turn R Step L Back, Step R to R side |&5&6Raise both heel up, Drop both heel down, Step L beside R, Cross R over L |7&8Step L to L, Step R beside L, Step L to L | |SIDE ROCK, ¼ VINE, ROCK FORWARD, SLIDE BACK |&1,2Step R beside L, Rock L to L, Recover R |3&4Step L behind R, ¼ turn R Step R forward, Step L forward |5,6Rock R forward, Recover L |7,8Big Step R back, Drag L beside R |(&1,2 arm styling – & push both hand forward and pull in beside you waist when doing the rock step) | |¼ HEEL TURN, SLIDE BACK, TRIPLE FORWARD, ROCK ½ TURN STEP |1,21/8 turn L heel twist (weight on heel), 1/8 turn L heel twist (weight on heel) |3,4Big Step R back, Drag L beside R |5&6Step R forward, Step L behind R, Step R forward |7&8Rock L forward, Recover R, ½ turn L step L forward | |KICK ROCK BACK X2, ¼ CHUGX4 |1&2&Kick R diagonal R, Step R in place, Rock L behind R, Recover R |3&4&Kick L diagonal L, Step L in place, Rock R behind L, Recover L |5,61/16 turn L Stomp R to R, 1/16 turn L Stomp R to R (facing 7.30) |7,81/16 turn L Stomp R to R, 1/16 turn L Stomp R to R (facing 6.00) | |TAG (after Wall 3 (6’00) , Wall 6 (12’00) |1,2,3R heel tap x3, ( arm styling: finger click x3) |4Step R beside L, Clap Hand at the same time | |Contact ~ Rebecca Lee- rebecca_jazz@yahoo.com | | |||