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Linedance Portalen

Make It Sweet  

Steps: 32             Vægge: 4             Niveau: High Beginner
Musik: Make It Sweet – Old Dominion Approx 3.06 mins, 90 bpm      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Rachael McEnaney-White (UK/USA) (October 2018)

|Count In: 16 counts from start of track, dance begins on vocals
|[1 – 8] R back, L back rock, L heel grind ¼ turn L, R coaster step, 3 runs fwd L-R-L, R fwd rock
|1 2 & 3Big step back R (1), rock back L (2), recover weight R (&), cross L heel over R grinding heel into floor making ¼ turn left (3) 9.00
|4 & 5Step back R (4), step L next to R (&), step forward R (5) 9.00
|6 & 7Step forward L (6), step forward R (&), step forward L (7) (styling: make these 3 small runs forward) 9.00
|8 &Rock forward R (8), recover weight L (&) 9.00
|[9 – 16] 3 toe struts back with clap R-L-R, L coaster step, R cross, L back, R side, L close
|1 &Touch R toe back (1), drop R heel to floor (weight R) as you clap hands (&) 9.00
|2 &Touch L toe back (2), drop L heel to floor (weight L) as you clap hands (&) 9.00
|3 &Touch R toe back (3), drop R heel to floor (weight R) as you clap hands (&) 9.00
|4 & 5Step back L (4), step R next to L (&), step L forward (slightly to left diagonal)(5) 9.00
|6 7 8 &Cross R over L (6), step back L (7), step R to right side (8), step L next to R (&) 9.00
|[17 – 24] R side, L cross rock, R cross rock with ¼ turn right continuing a full paddle turn R
|1 2 & 3Step R to right side (1), cross rock L over R (2), recover weight R (&), step L to left side (3) 9.00
|4 & 5Cross rock R over L (4), recover weight L (&), make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (5) 12.00
|& 6Step L next to R (&), make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (6), 3.00
|& 7Step L next to R (&), make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (7) 6.00
|& 8Step L next to R (&), make ¼ turn right stepping forward R (8) 9,00
|[25 – 32] L fwd rock, L side rock, L behind, R side, L cross, R rumba box
|1 & 2 &Rock forward L (1), recover weight R (&), rock L to left to left side (2), recover weight R (&) 9.00
|3 & 4Cross L behind R (3), step R to right side (&), cross L over R (4) 9.00
|5 & 6Step R to right side (5), step L next to R (&), step forward R (6) 9.00
|7 & 8Step L to left side (7), step R next to L (&), step back L (8) 9.00
|www.dancewithrachael.com - dancewithrachael@gmail.com
|Tel: +1 407-538-1533 - +44 7968181933