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Linedance Portalen

Second Time Around  

Steps: 64             Vægge: 2             Niveau: Intermediate
Musik: Second Time Around by Jack Mosbacher      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Fred Whitehouse / Darren Bailey – July 2018

|Intro: 3 Count intro from start of track
|Sequence: 64, 28, Tag, 64, 28, Tag, 64, 32, 28, Tag, Tag
|S1: Walk, Walk, Hold, Ball, Step, Step, Point, Step, Point
|1-2Step RF forward, Step LF forward
|3&4Hold, Step on ball of RF, Step forward on LF
|5-6Step forward on RF, Point LF to L side
|7-8Step forward on LF, Point RF to R side
|S2: Close, Rock with hip roll, Behind, Side, Cross, Drag to R, Ball, Cross, ¼ turn L
|&1-2Close RF next to LF, Rock LF to L side, Recover onto RF (rolling hips Anti-clockwise)
|3&4Cross LF behind RF, Step RF to R side, Cross LF in front on RF
|5-6&Take a big step to R with RF, Drag LF toward RF, Step LF next to RF
|7-8Cross RF over LF, Make a ¼ turn L and step forward on LF
|S3: ¼ turn L with Hips rolls (R, L), Twists down and up
|1-2Make a ¼ turn L and step RF to R side whilst rolling hips Anti-clockwise, Bump hips to L
|3-4Roll hips Clockwise, Bump hips to R
|5-6Step RF next to L as you lower down slightly, Step LF next to R as you lower down
|7-8Step RF next to L as you start to straighten back up, Step LF next to R as you stand upright
|(As you go down move knees to the L,R,L,R, or as we say wiggle down and wiggle up)
|S4: Out, Out, In, In, Walk, Walk, Step, ½ turn, L Coaster
|&1&2Step out with RF, Step out with LF (onto toes), Step In, with RF, Step In with LF (flat of feet)
|3-4Step forward on RF, Step forward on LF
|5-6Step forward on RF, Make a ½ turn L keeping weight back on RF
|7&8Step back on LF, Close RF next to LF, Step forward on LF
|S5: Walk to L diagonal x2, Shuffle forward, ½ pencil turn L, Shuffle forward
|1-2Make a 1/8 turn L to face L diagonal and Step forward on RF, Step forward on LF (facing 10:30)
|3&4Step forward on RF, Close LF next to RF, Step forward on RF (facing 10:30)
|5-6Step forward on LF, Make a ½ turn L bringing RF toward LF (weight on LF) (facing 4:30)
|7&8Step forward on RF, Close LF next to RF, Step forward on RF (facing 4:30)
|S6: Step, Sweep, Cross Samba, Cross, Side, Sailor ¼ turn L
|1-2Step forward on LF, Sweep RF from back to front (facing 4:30)
|3&4Cross RF over LF, Rock LF to L side turning slightly to face 6:00, Recover onto RF
|5-6Cross LF over RF, Step RF to R side
|7&8Cross LF behind RF, Step RF next to LF, Make a ¼ turn L and Step forward on LF
|S7: Prissy Walks, R, L, Step ½ turn L, Full Turn L
|1-2Step forward on RF, Hold
|3-4Step forward on LF, Hold
|5-6Step forward on RF, Make a ½ turn pivot L
|7-8Make a ½ turn L and step back on RF, Make a ½ turn L and step forward on LF
|S8: Rock Forward, Recover, Back shuffle, Back rock, Recover, Step, Sweep ¼ turn L
|1-2Rock forward on RF, Recover onto LF
|3&4Step back on RF, Close LF next to RF, Step back on RF
|5-6Rock back on LF, Recover onto RF
|7-8Step forward on LF, Make a ¼ turn L weeping RF from back to front.
|TS1: Step, Sweep, Cross, Side, Behind, Heel bounces with ½ turn L, Diagonal touches
|1-2Step RF forward sweep LF from back to front over 2 counts
|3&4Cross LF over R, Step RF to R side, Step LF behind R
|5-6½ turn L bouncing both heels x2 finishing with weight on LF
|&7&8Step RF to R diagonal, touch LF next to R, Step LF to L diagonal, touch RF next to L
|TS2: Step, Sweep, Cross, Side, Behind, Heel bounces with ½ turn L, Pivot ½ turn L x2
|1-2Step RF forward sweep LF from back to front over 2 counts
|3&4Cross LF over R, Step RF to R side, Step LF behind R
|5-6½ turn L bouncing both heels x2 finishing with weight on LF
|&7&8Step RF forward, pivot ½ turn L place weight on LF, step RF forward, pivot ½ turn L place weight on LF
|Hope you enjoy the dance.
|Live to Love; Dance to Express.