Just A Phase
Steps: 32 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Intermediate Musik: Just a Phase – Adam Craig (3.08) Kunstner: Koreograf: Fred Whitehouse (Ireland) & Maddison Glover (Australia) January 2019 |Choreographed for the 2019 Crystal Boot Awards | |Dance begins on lyrics (8 counts from beginning of the track) | |Back Rock/Recover, ½ Turn, Cross, Side, Behind/Sweep, Behind, Side, Fwd, ¼ Rock/ Sway, Sway |1,2Rock back onto L (angle body to front L diagonal), recover weight fwd onto R |&3Turn ¼ R stepping back onto L (3:00), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side as you sweep L around/fwd (6:00) |4&5Cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L behind R as you sweep R around/back |6&7Cross R behind L, step L to L side, step/rock R fwd |8Turn ¼ L as you rock/sway L to L side (3:00) Option: look to the front (12:00) |&Rock/sway R to R side (3:00) Option: look to the back (6:00) | |¼ Posé, Full Turn Fwd, Rock Fwd, Recover, ¼ Side, Weave, ¼ Fwd, Side Rock/ Recover, Cross, Side |1Turn ¼ L stepping fwd onto L whilst hitching R knee (Posé turn- R knee is open to R side) (12:00) |2&Turn ½ L stepping back on R, turn ½ L stepping fwd onto L (12:00) |3&Rock fwd onto R, recover weight back onto L |4Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side as you roll R shoulder back (3:00) |5&6&Cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L behind R, turn ¼ R stepping fwd onto R (6:00) |7&8&Rock L to L side, recover weight onto R, cross L over R, step R to R side |RESTART HERE DURING THE FOURTH SEQUENCE | |Diagonal Back, Walk Back, Side, 2x Walks Fwd, ¼ Lunge, ¼ 2x Runs Fwd, Fwd Sweep 1/4, Cross, Side, Back Rock (Looking Back) |1,2&Turn 1/8 L stepping back onto L (4:30), step back onto R, turn 1/8 L stepping L to L side (3:00) |3,4Turn 1/8 L stepping fwd onto R (1:30), walk fwd on L (still facing 1:30) |5Turn ¼ L as you rock/ lunge R to R side (10:30) |6&Turn ¼ L stepping L fwd, step fwd onto R (7:30) |7Step L fwd as you sweep R around/fwd making 1/8 turn L (6:00) |8&1Cross R over L, step L to L side, turn 1/8 R as you rock back onto R (7:30) |NOTE: In the chorus he sings “…look back and smile…” .On count 1, look back over your R shoulder and smile. | |Fwd, ½, Back/Hook, Lock Shuffle Fwd, Pivot ½, Fwd Rock /Recover, Side Rock/Recover |2&Recover weight forward onto L (still facing 7:30), turn ½ L stepping back onto R (1:30) |3Step back onto L as you hook R across L shin (1:30) |4&5Step fwd onto R, lock L behind R, step fwd onto R (1:30) |6&Step fwd onto L, pivot ½ turn over R (7:30) keeping weight on R |7&Rock fwd onto L (7:30), recover weight back onto R |8&Turn 1/8 L as you rock L to L side (6:00), recover weight onto R | |RESTART: During the FOURTH sequence, begin the dance facing 6:00. |Dance up to count 16 and restart facing 12:00. | |Contacts:- |f_whitehouse@hotmail.com |maddisonglover94@gmail.com |http://www.linedancewithillawarra.com/maddison-glover | |||