Don't Think About You!
Steps: 48 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Phrased Intermediate / Advanced NC Musik: I Dont Think About You by Kelly Clarkson. Track Length: 3:44. Buy on iTunes, Etc. Kunstner: Koreograf: Niels Poulsen (Denmark) February 2019 |Intro: 16 count intro (14 secs. into track). Start with weight on L foot |**2 Tags: Explained at the bottom of the step sheet | |Phrasing: A, A*, B, B, Tag 1, A, B, B, A*, Tag 2, B, B, B, A (16) + Ending: R fwd and point L finger fwd! | |A – 32 counts, 2 walls |A[1 – 8] Diag. step R hitch L, back back 5/8 L, weave sweep, sweep, & back rock, ¼ R side L |1Turn 1/8 L stepping R fwd and hitching L knee dragging L foot next to R leg (1) 10:30 |2&3Step back on L (2), step back on R (&), turn ½ L stepping L fwd and sweeping R 1/8 fwd (3) 3:00 |4&5Cross R over L (4), step L to L side (&), cross R behind L sweeping L to L side (5) 3:00 |6&Cross L slightly behind R sweeping R to R side (6), step back on R (&) 3:00 |7 – 8&Rock back on L (7), recover fwd onto R (8), turn ¼ R stepping L to L side (&) 6:00 | |A[9 – 16] R back rock, vine R into lunge, turn ½ L, turn 1/8 L into L back rock, walk L, step 3/8 L |1&Rock back on R (1), recover fwd onto L (&) 6:00 |2&3&Step R to R side (2), cross L behind R (&), step R to R side bending in R knee (3), twist upper-body slightly to R side (&) 6:00 |4&Recover onto L turning a ¼ fwd (4), turn ¼ L stepping R to R side (&) 12:00 |5 – 7Turn 1/8 L rocking back on L (5), recover fwd onto R (6), walk L fwd (7) 10:30 |8&Step R fwd (8), turn 3/8 L onto L (&) 6:00 |* During 2nd A you go into B. During 4th A you go into Tag 2. Both times facing 12:00 | |A[17 – 24] Cross rock hitch, HOLD, behind, ¼ L, pencil ¼ L, prissy walks RL, mambo ¼ R, cross |1&2Cross rock R over L (1), recover onto L hitching R knee (&), HOLD (2) 6:00 |&3 – 4Cross R behind L (&), turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (3), turn ¼ L on L with R toe next to L (4) 12:00 |5 – 6Walk R fwd and slightly over L (5), walk L fwd and slightly over R (6) 12:00 |7&8&Rock R fwd (7), recover back on L (&), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (8), cross L over R (&) 3:00 | |A[25 – 32] Basic nightclub R, side L, R back rock, point R, sweep L ¼ R, cross, R side rock |1 – 2&Step R a big step to R side (1), close L behind R (2), cross R over L (&) 3:00 |3 – 4&Step L a big step to L side (3), rock back on R (4), recover fwd onto L (&) 3:00 |5 – 7Point R to R side (5), turn ¼ R onto R sweeping L fwd (6), cross L over R (7) 6:00 |8&Rock R to R side (8), recover onto L (&) 6:00 | |B – 16 counts, 2 walls Counts |B[1 – 8] R cross rock, R side rock, behind sweep, behind side, Repeat with L but turning ¼ L |1&2&Cross rock R over L (1), recover onto L (&), rock R to R side (2), recover onto L (&) 12:00 |3 – 4&Cross R behind L sweeping L to L side (3), cross L behind R (4), step R to R side (&) 12:00 |5&6&Cross rock L over R (5), recover onto R (&), rock L to L side (6), recover onto R (&) 12:00 |7 – 8&Cross L behind R sweeping R to R (7), cross R behind L (8), turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (&) 9:00 | |B[9 – 16] Full L pirouette, fwd L, ½ L, L back rock, recover, lock ½ R, R back rock, step ¼ L |1 – 2Step R fwd and do a L full turn on R bringing L foot to R calf (1), step L fwd (2) 9:00 |&3 – 4Turn ½ L stepping back on R (&), rock back on L (3), recover fwd onto R (4) 3:00 |&a5Turn ¼ R stepping L to L side (&), cross R over L (a), turn ¼ L stepping L back (5) 9:00 |6 – 7Rock back on R (6), recover fwd onto L (7) 9:00 |8&Step R fwd (8), turn ¼ L onto L (&) … 6:00 |Styling for count 8: go up on ball of R bringing L foot next to R with weight still on R. Try to hold it as long as possible before turning ¼ L… | |Start again! ... | |TAG 1: After the 2nd B, facing 10:30. Do a rock fwd on R (1), then recover back on L (2) 10:30 |TAG 2: R in front side rock, L&R behind side rock, L in front side rock |1&aCross R over L (1), push L gently and quickly to L side (&), recover onto R (a) |2&aCross L behind L (2), push R gently and quickly to R side (&), recover onto L (a) |3&aCross R behind L (3), push L gently and quickly to L side (&), recover onto R (a) |4&aCross L over L (4), push R gently and quickly to R side (&), recover onto L (a) | | |Email: nielsbp@gmail.com | |Last Update - 4th March 2019 |||