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Linedance Portalen

Simply The Best  

Steps: 48             Vægge: 2             Niveau: Intermediate Cha Cha style
Musik: The Best (Edit) - Tina Turner (4.10mins) – approx. 110bpm. iTunes       Kunstner:
Koreograf: Maddison Glover (AUS) & Rachael McEnaney-White (UK/USA) March 2019

|Count In: 16 counts from start of track, dance begins on vocals
|Notes: Restart after 16 counts during 4th wall
|[1 – 9] R fwd, 1/4 turn R hitching L, L cross, R chasse, Hold, L ball close, R cross, L side rock, L cross
|1 2 3[1] Step forward R, [2] Make 1/4 turn right as you hitch L knee, [3] Cross L over R 3.00
|4&5 6[4] Step R to right side, [&] Step L next to R, [5] Step R to right side, [6] Hold as you drag L towards R (weight remains R) 3.00
|&7 8&1[&] Step ball of L next to R, [7] Cross R over L, [8] Rock L to left side, [&] Recover weight R, [1] Cross L over R 3.00
|[10 – 17] R diagonal forward rock, R behind, 1/4 turn L fwd L, R fwd, 1/2 pivot L - weight R, L back, R coaster step
|2 3[2] Rock R forward to right diagonal, [3] Recover weight L 4.30
|4&5 6[4] Cross R behind L, [&] Make 1/4 turn left stepping forward L [5] Step forward R, [6] Pivot 1/2 turn L keeping weight R 6.00
|7 8 & 1[7] Step back L, [8] Step back R, [&] Step L next to R, [1] Step forward R 6.00
|RESTART 4th wall begins facing 6.00, dance up to count 16& (8& of this section) then Restart the dance facing 12.00
|[18 – 25] Hold, L close, R forward, Hold, L close, R forward, 1/2 pivot L, 1/2 turn L back R, 1/4 turn L chasse
|2&3 4&5[2] Hold, [&] Step L next to R, [3] Step forward R, [4] Hold, [&] Step L next to R, [5] Step forward R 6.00
|6 7[6] Pivot 1/2 turn left (weight ends L), [7] Make 1/2 turn left stepping back R 6.00
|8&1[8] Make 1/4 turn left stepping L to left side, [&] Step R next to L, [1] Step L to left side 3.00
|[26 – 33] R back rock, R fwd, 1/4 turn R side L, R close, L cross, R side, L behind, R side, L cross
|2 3 4&5[2] Rock back R, [3] Recover weight L, [4] Step forward R, [&] Make 1/4 turn right stepping L to left side, [5] Step R next to L 6.00
|6 7 8&1[6] Cross L over R, [7] Step R to right side, [8] Cross L behind R, [&] Step R to right side, [1] Cross L over R 6.00
|[34 – 40] R point, 1/4 turn R, 1/4 turn R with L side rock, L cross, Hold, R side, L touch, L side, R touch
|2 3[2] Point R to right side as you bend L knee slightly, [3] Make 1/4 turn right stepping forward R 9.00
|4 & 5[4] Make 1/4 turn right rocking L to left side, [&] Recover weight R, [5] Cross L over R 12.00
|6&7&8[6] Hold, [&] Step R to right side, [7] Touch L next to R, [&] Step L to left side, [8] Touch R next to L 12.00
|[41 – 48] R back, L point fwd (body angled) Close L as you flick R back, R fwd, L fwd, R kick, R close, L point, 1/2 turn L sailor step
|&1 2 3 4[&] Step back R angling body to 1.30, [1] Point L toe forward (body still facing 1.30), [2] Square up to 12.00 as you step L next flicking R foot back, [3] Step forward R, [4] Step forward L - 12.00
|5&6[5] Kick R forward, [&] Step R next to L, [6] Point L to left side (style option: [5]Snap fingers forward, [6]Snap fingers to sides 12.00
|7&8[7] Cross L behind R, [&] Make 1/4 turn left stepping R next to L, [8] Make 1/4 turn left stepping forward L 6.00
|The last wall begins facing the front and ends facing the back. To finish the dance, begin the dance as you would stepping forward R but make 1/2 turn right hitching L knee (instead of 1/4) the track ends here.