Down To The Roots
Steps: 64 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Phrased Advanced Musik: Down to the Roots (The Launch Season 2) – Single by: Saveria Kunstner: Koreograf: Scott Blevins and Fred Whitehouse (May 2019) |#16 count intro - Sequence: A - B -Tag - A - B - Tag - B - Tag - B - B | |Pattern A: 32 counts |[1–8] BALL, CROSS, UNWIND, SIDE, BEHIND, SIDE, CROSS w/SWEEP, CROSS, ¼ BACK, ¼ FWD, ½ BACK |&1-2-3(&) Step ball of R to right; 1) Step L across R; 2) Unwind full turn right transferring weight to R; 3) Step L to left [12:00] |4&5-64) Step R behind L; &) Step L to left; 5) Step R across L sweeping L forward; 6) Step L across R [12:00] |7-8&7) Turn ¼ left stepping R back; 8) Turn ¼ left stepping L forward; &) Turn ½ left stepping R back [12:00] | |[9-16] SMOOTHLY RIDE THE PONY, BEHIND w/SWEEP, BEHIND, ¼ FWD, STEP, PIVOT, SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, CROSS, SIDE |1&2&1) Step ball of L to left, shoulder width from R, knees slightly bent, pushing ribs left; &) Push ribs right transferring weight to ball of R; 2) Push ribs left transferring weight to ball of L; &) Step onto R; Note: Counts 1&2& Should be done on the spot. |33) Step ball of L behind R sweeping R front to back |4&5-64) Step R behind L; &) Turn ¼ left stepping L forward; 5) Step R forward; 6) Turn ½ left taking weight on L [3:00] |7&8&7) Rock ball of R to right; &) Recover to L; 8) Step R across L; &) Step L to left | |[17-24] BEHIND w/LIFT, BEHIND, COASTER, ROTATE, COLLECT, FORWARD, FORWARD, BACK |1-2-3&41) Step R behind L lifting L knee; 2) Step L behind R; 3) Step R back; &) Step L beside R; 4) Step R forward in front of L |55) Keeping feet in place with knees straight, rotate body 3/8 left pushing weight over R [11:00] |66) Rotate body ¼ right transferring weight to L as you draw R next to L finally taking weight on R [1:00] |7&87) Step L forward; &) Step R a small step forward squaring up to 12 o’clock; 8) Step L back [12:00] | |[25-32] TRIPLE IN PLACE w/HIPS 2X, BACK ROCK, RECOVER, SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, STEP, PIVOT, ¼ POINT |1&21) Step R back; &) Transfer weight forward slightly onto ball of L; 2) Recover to R (1&2 - Hips move smoothly back-fwd-back) |3&43) Step L back; &) Transfer weight forward slightly onto ball of R; 4) Recover to L (3&4 - Hips move smoothly back-fwd-back) |5&6&5) Rock R back; &) Recover to L; 6) Rock R to right; &) Recover to L |7&87) Step R forward; &) Turn ½ left taking weight on L; 8) Turn ¼ left pointing R to right [3:00] | |Pattern B: 32 counts |[1-8] RUN, 3X, HITCH, BACK 3X, BACK PADDLE w/SHOULDER ROLL 2X, BEHIND, ¼ FORWARD, FORWARD |1&2&3&4 1&2) Run forward R-L-R; &) Hitch L; 3&4) Back L-R-L |5&6&5) Keeping L in place, turn 1/8 right stepping R to right while rolling R shoulder back; &) Transfer weight to L; |6&Repeat counts 5& [6:00] |7&87) Step R behind L; &) Turn ¼ left stepping L forward; 8) Step R forward [3:00] | |[9-16] PIVOT, ½ BACK, BACK w/DRAG, COASTER, SHIMMY w/SNAP, DIP, CLOSE |1&21) Turn ½ left taking weight on L; &) Turn ½ left stepping R back; 2) Big step L back dragging R heel [3:00] |3&43) Step R back; &) Step L beside R; 4) Step R forward |5&65) Step L to left pushing R shoulder forward; &) Push R shoulder forward again; 6) Snap L fingers up lifting R foot out to right |7-87) Step R to right dipping down with hands on knees (sumo wrestler); 8) Stand up stepping L beside R | |[17-24] FWD w/CLAP/BRUSH, ½ w/CLAP/BRUSH, RUN 3X, ½ BOUNCE w/KICK, FWD, FWD, ½ BACK, ¼ BIG STEP w/DRAG |1&21) Bringing hands chest level step R fwd clap/brush R hand fwd against L hand; &2) Keeping weight on R gradually turn ½ left as you clap/brush R hand back against L hand and then clap/brush R hand fwd against L hand [9:00] |3&43) Run L fwd crossing hands in front of pelvis with fingers pointing down; &) Run R fwd bringing hands out beside hips palms facing fwd; 4) Run L fwd bringing hands up beside ears palms up, forearms facing forward, fingers pointing back |5&65) Keeping weight on L turn ¼ right bouncing heels and pushing palms up; &) Repeat count 5; 6) Kick R fwd [3:00] |&7&8(&) Step R forward; 7) Step L fwd toe out; &) Turn ½ left stepping R back; 8) Turn ¼ left stepping L big to left dragging R [6:00] | |[25-32] CROSS, BACK, SIDE, CROSS TRIPLE, SIDE TOGETHER SIDE, TOUCH, SIDE w/SNAKE, TOUCH |1&2-3&41) Step R across L; &) Step L back; 2) Step R to right; 3) Step L across R; &) Step ball of R to right; 4) Step L across R |5&6&5) With knees relaxed step R to right opening knees; &) Step L beside R closing knees; 6) Repeat count 5; &) Touch L beside R |7-87) Step L to left (style with snake left); 8) Touch R beside L [6:00] | |Tag: 1st Tag = 1-8 below facing [6:00] ~ 2nd Tag = 1-4 below facing [12:00] ~ 3rd Tag = 5-8 below facing [3:00] |[1-8] SIDE TOGETHER SIDE, ,TOUCH, SIDE w/SNAKE, TOUCH, WALK AROUND |1-4 1-4) Repeat counts 29-32 of Pattern B |5-85) Turn ¼ right stepping R fwd; 6) Turn ¼ right stepping L fwd; 7) Turn ¼ right stepping R fwd; 8) Turn ¼ right stepping L fwd | |Ending: End on 20 of Pattern B facing [12:00]. Replace count 20 with: Lunge L fwd w/hands in front of face opening hands like curtains. | |Copyright © 2019 Scott Blevins (scottblevins@me.com) All rights reserved | |||