I Can Do Hard Things
Steps: 96 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Intermediate / Advanced waltz style Musik: I Can Do Hard Things (Full Version) - Jennifer Nettles (4.27mins) - approx. 144 bpm. iTunes Kunstner: Koreograf: Rachael McEnaney-White (UK/USA) August 2019 |Count In: Dance begins 24 counts from when the beat kicks in. Begin dancing at approx. 30sec |Notes: 1 Restart - 3rd wall, restart after 18 counts facing the back (7.30). |I would like to give a special thank you to my dear friends Gary O’Reilly & Gary Lafferty for suggesting this music, they both sent it at different times & I am very grateful to them both. | |[1 – 12] Facing 1.30: L fwd, hold with drag, R back, hold with drag, L fwd, 1/2 turn L, R coaster step |1 2 3Dance begins facing 1.30. Step forward L [1], Hold as you drag R towards L (weight remains L) [2,3] 1.30 |4 5 6Step back R [4], Hold as you drag L towards R (weight remains R) [5,6] 1.30 |1 2 3Step forward L [1], Make 1/2 turn left on ball of L as you drag R towards L (weight remains L) [2,3] 7.30 |4 5 6Step back R [4], Step L next to R [5], Step forward R [6] 7.30 | |[13 – 24] L fwd, R point, R back, L point, L fwd, 1/2 turn L back R, L back, R back, 1/2 turn L, R fwd |123 456Step forward L [1], Point R to right side [2], Hold [3], Step back R [4], point L to left side [5], Hold [6] 7.30 |RESTART Restart the dance here during the 3rd wall. 3rd wall begins facing 12.00, you will restart facing 6.00 |1 2 3Step forward L [1], Make 1/2 turn left stepping back R [2], Step back L [3] 1.30 |4 5 6Step back R [4], make 1/2 turn left stepping forward L [5], step forward R [6] 7.30 | |[25 – 36] L fwd sweeping R with 1/8 turn L, R cross, L side, Hold, R close with 1/8 turn L, L back, R hook, R fwd, L fwd, 1/2 pivot R |1 2 3Step forward L as you sweep R making 1/8 turn left [1], Hold (continue sweep) [2], Cross R over L [3] 6.00 |4 5 6Step L to left side [4], Hold as you drag R towards L [5], Make 1/8 turn left as you step R next to L [6] 4.30 |1 2 3Step back L [1], Hold as you drag R towards L [2], Hook R in front of L shin [3] 4.30 |4 5 6Step forward R [4], Step forward L [5], Pivot 1/2 turn right (weight ends R) [6] 10.30 | |[37 – 48] L fwd, full spiral turn R, R twinkle with 1/8 turn R, L cross rock, hold, recover R, 1/4 turn L, 1/2 turn L back R |1 2 3Step forward L [1], Make full spiral turn right (weight remains L) [2,3] 10.30 |4 5 6Step forward R [4], Make 1/8 turn right (squaring up to 12.00) stepping L to left side [5], Step R to right diagonal [6] 12.00 |123 456Cross rock L over R [1], Hold [2,3], Recover weight R [4], 1/4 turn left stepping forward L [5], 1/2 turn left stepping back R [6] 3.00 | |[49 – 60] 1/4 turn L stepping L side, Hold, R side, Hold, L twinkle, R twinkle with 1/4 turn R |123 456Make 1/4 turn stepping L to left side [1], Hold as you drag R [2,3], Step R to right side [4] Hold as you drag L [5,6] 12.00 |1 2 3Cross L over R to diagonal [1], Step R to right side [2], Step L to leU diagonal [3] 12.00 |4 5 6Cross R over L to diagonal [4], Step L to left side [5], Make 1/4 turn right stepping forward R [6] 3.00 | |[61 – 72] L fwd, R hitch, Hold, R fwd, L hitch, Hold, L cross, 1/2 Monterey turn R (R point, Hold, 1/2 turn close R, L point, Hold) |123 456Step L forward & slightly across R [1], Hitch R [2], Hold [3], Step R forward & slightly across L [4], Hitch L [5], Hold [6] 3.00 |123 456Cross L over R [1], Point R to right side [2], Hold [3], 1/2 turn right stepping R next to L [4], Point L to left side [5], Hold [6] 9.00 | |[73 – 84] To 10.30: L fwd, R side, L close, R fwd, L side, R close, L fwd, R slow kick, R back, 1/8 turn L side, 1/8 turn L stepping R fwd |1 2 3Traveling towards 10.30: Step forward L [1], Make 1/8 turn left stepping R to right side [2], Step L next to R [3] 10.30 |4 5 6Make 1/8 turn right stepping forward R [4], Make 1/8 turn right stepping L to left side [5], Step R next to L [6] |(During the above 6 counts keep head looking towards 10.30 as that is the way you are traveling). 10.30 |1 2 3Make 1/8 turn left stepping forward L [1], Slowly kick R leg forward lifting from knee first [2], continue kick forward [3] 10.30 |4 5 6Step back R [4], Make 1/8 turn left stepping L to left side [5], Make 1/8 turn left stepping forward R [6] 7.30 | |[85 – 96] Diamond Fallaway turning L: L fwd, R side, L back, R back, L side, R fwd, L fwd, R side, L back, R back, L side, R fwd |1 2 3Step L forward [1], Make 1/8 turn left stepping R to right side [2], Make 1/8 turn left stepping back L [3] 4.30 |4 5 6Step R back [4], Make 1/8 turn left stepping L to left side [5], Make 1/8 turn left stepping forward R [6] 1.30 |1 2 3Step L forward [1], Make 1/8 turn left stepping R to right side [2], Make 1/8 turn left stepping back L [3] 10.30 |4 5 6Step R back [4], Make 1/8 turn left stepping L to left side [5], Make 1/8 turn left stepping forward R [6] 7.30 | |START AGAIN - HAVE FUN | |||