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Linedance Portalen

Cherry On Top  

Steps: 80             Vægge: 2             Niveau: Phrased Advanced
Musik: Gimme Gimme by Johnny Stimson      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Debbie Rushton, Guillaume RICHARD, Darren Bailey – October 2019

|** The winning Dance from the Pro competition at Windy City Linedance Mania **
|Intro: 16 Counts
|Pattern: A, A, B, A, A, B, A, B, Ending
|Part A
|Side Rock, Recover, Close, Step to L, Heel, Toe, Cross, Back, Shuffle R
|1-2&Rock RF to R side, Recover on LF, Close RF next to LF
|3&4Step LF to L side, Twist R heel toward LF, Twist R toes towards LF (Weight stays on LF)
|5-6Cross RF over LF, Step LF back
|7&8Step RF to R side, Close LF next to RF, Step RF to R side
|Rock forward, Recover, Close, Press, Shoulder pops, Ball Step, Pivot 1/2 R, Boogie forward
|1-2&Rock LF forward, Recover onto RF, Step LF next to RF (add body roll for counts 1-2)
|3&4Press RF forward, Shrug R shoulder down/L shoulder up, Shrug L shoulder up/R shoulder down
|&5-6Step RF next to LF, Step forward on LF, Pivot 1/2 R (6:00)
|7&8Boogie walk forward L, R. L
|Dorothy R, Dorothy L, Jazz Box with 1/4 turn R & Cross
|1-2&Step RF to R diagonal, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF to R diagonal
|3-4&Step LF to L diagonal, Lock RF behind LF, Step LF to L diagonal
|5-6Cross RF over LF, Step back on LF making a 1/4 turn R (9:00)
|7-8Step RF to R side, Cross LF over RF
|Step R, Hip Roll, Behind, Side, Cross, Rock, Recover 1/4 turn L, Kick Ball Step
|1-2Step RF to R side while rolling hips counter clockwise and bump to L
|3&4Cross LF behind RF, Step RF to R side, Cross LF over RF
|5-6Rock RF to R side, Recover onto LF making a 1/4 turn L (6:00)
|7&8Kick RF forward, Step RF next to LF, Step forward slightly on LF
|A2 ending (Each time part A finishes faces 12:00 replace counts 7&8 with A2)
|Touch, Jump Out, Jump In
|7&8Touch RF next to LF, Jump both feet out, Jump both feet in (weight on LF)
|A3 ending (When dancing the single A replace counts 5-8 with A3) 3/4 L walk around to 12:00, Jump together
|5-6-7-8Walk around in a circle making a 3/4 turn L stepping R, L, R, Jump with both feet together
|Part B
|Shimmy Back x3, Rock and Point, Body Roll, Close, Side, Knee pop
|1-2-3Step back on RF, Step back on LF, Step back on RF (dance with shoulder shimmies)
|4&Rock back on LF, Recover onto RF
|5-6Touch LF to L side, Body Roll to the L finishing with weight on LF
|&7&8Close RF next to LF, Step LF to L side, Pop R knee in towards L, Pop R knee out (keep weight on LF)
|Full turn R, Shuffle R, Cross, Up, Down, Rock, Recover with Hitch
|1-2Turn 1/4 R stepping RF fwd (3:00), Turn 1/2 R stepping LF back (9:00)
|3&4Turn 1/4 R stepping RF to R side, Close LF next to RF, Step RF to R side (the shuffle can be danced while bending the knees slightly and turning them out in out (12:00)
|5&6Cross LF over RF making a 1/8 turn R (1:30), Raise up onto balls of feet, drop heels down (weight stays on LF) (use hands as if pushing up from a counter at the same time as rising to balls of feet)
|7-8Rock RF forward to R diagonal, Recover onto LF and hitch R knee clicking both hands slightly forward
|Back w/ Sweeps x2, Behind, Side, Cross Shuffle, 1/2 turn L, Triple Full turn R
|1-2Step back on RF while sweeping LF from front to back, Step back on LF while sweeping RF from front to back
|3&4&Cross RF behind LF making a 1/8 R (3:00), Step LF to L side, Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L side
|5-6Cross RF over LF, (Body faces 1/8 L) (1:30), Pivot 1/2 L placing weight on LF (7:30)
|7&8Turn 1/2 R stepping forward on RF, Turn 1/2 R stepping onto LF, Step slightly forward on RF (7:30)
|Walk x2, Shuffle L, Side, Touch w/ Click, Step L, Heel, Toe, Touch
|1-2Step forward on LF Sweeping RF from back to front, step forward on RF sweeping LF from back to front
|3&4Step forward on LF, Close RF next to LF, Step forward on LF
|&5-6Step RF to R side turning 1/8 turn L (6:00), Point LF behind RF, Click R hand down to R side, Step LF to
|L side
|7&8Twist R heel in toward LF, Twist R toes in towards LF, Touch RF next to LF
|Slide R, Slide L, Full Circle Walk Around R, L, R, Side L
|1-2Take a big step to R side and slightly to the Diagonal, Touch LF next to RF
|3-4Take a big step to L side and slightly to the Diagonal, Touch RF next to LF
|5-6Step RF fwd turning 1/4 R, Step LF fwd turning 1/4 R
|7-8Step RF fwd turning 1/4 R, Step LF to L turning 1/4 R (6:00)
|R Sailor, L Sailor with a touch, Close, Cross, 1/2 turn L, Walk R, L
|1&2Cross RF behind LF, Step LF to L side, Step RF to R side
|3&4Cross LF behind RF, Step RF to R side, Touch LF to L side
|&5-6Close LF next to RF, Cross RF over LF with arms out to sides bent at the elbows (forearms parallel to the floor), Turn 1/2 L taking weight onto LF (12:00)
|7-8Step forward on RF, Step forward on LF
|Ending: Repeat section B from counts 33 to 45 finishing in the cross position with arms out to sides bent at the elbows (forearms parallel to the floor) and head down.
|You can also think of the pattern as:
|A, A2, B, A, A2, B, A3, B, Ending