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Choose Joy  

Steps: 64             Vægge: 2             Niveau: Intermediate
Musik: Joy - For King & Country (3.54 mins). Album: Burn The Ships - iTunes. Spotify.      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Rachael McEnaney-White (UK/USA) October 2019

|Count In: 16 counts from the start of the track, dance begins on vocals.
|Notes: Special thanks to my friend John Holloway for suggesting this music.
|[1 – 8] R back, L touch, L fwd, 1/2 turn L back R, L back, R touch, R fwd, 1/2 turn L back
|1 2 3 4Step R back [1]. Touch L next to R [2]. Step L forward [3]. Make 1/2 turn left stepping R back [4] 6.00
|5 6 7 8Step L back [5]. Touch R next to L [6]. Step R forward [7]. Make 1/2 turn right stepping L back[8] 12.00
|[9 – 16] 1/4 turn R side, hold, L close, R side, 1/8 turn R hitching L, slow L coaster step, 1/8 turn L sweeping R
|1 2 & 3Make 1/4 turn right stepping R to right side [1]. Hold [2]. Step L next to R [&]. Step R to right side [3] 3.00
|4 5 6Make 1/8 turn right as you hitch L knee (option: raise up on ball of R) [4]. Step L back [5]. Step R next to L [6] 4.30
|7 8Step L forward [7]. Make 1/8 turn left as you sweep R (weight remains L) [8] 3.00
|[17 – 24] R cross, L side, R behind, L side, R cross, L point, hold, L close, R point, 1/4 turn R closing R
|1 2 3 & 4Cross R over L [1]. Step L to left side [2]. Cross L behind R [3]. Step L to left side [&]. Cross R over L [4] 3.00
|5 6 & 7 8Point L to left side [5]. Hold [6]. Step L next to R [&]. Point R to right side [7]. Make 1/4 turn right stepping R next to L [8] 6.00
|[25 – 32] L point, hold, L close, R point, R jazz box, L cross, 1/4 turn L back R
|1 2 & 3 4Point L to left side [1]. Hold [2]. Step L next to R [&]. Point R to right side [3]. Cross R over L [4] 6.00
|5 6 7 8Step L back [5]. Step R to right side [6]. Cross L over R [7]. Make 1/4 turn left stepping R back [8] 3.00
|[33 – 40] 1/4 turn L side, hold, R samba step (bota-fogo), L cross, R side, L behind, R side, L heel
|1 2Make 1/4 turn left stepping L to left side [1]. Hold [2] (Styling option: Bend both knees dipping body down on count 1 raising up 2) 12.00
|3 & 4Cross R over L [3]. Rock ball of L to left side [&]. Recover weight R [4] 12.00
|5 6 7 & 8Cross L over R [5]. Step R to right side [6]. Cross L behind R [7]. Step R to right side [&]. Touch L heel to left diagonal [8] 12.00
|[41 – 48] Making a full turn L in semi circle shape: L ball, R cross. Hold. L ball, R cross shuffle, L cross, hold, R ball, L cross shuffle
|& 1 2 &3Step in place on L ball [&]. Cross R over L [1]. Hold [2]. Make 1/8 turn left stepping L to left [&]. Cross R over L [3] 10.30
|& 4 5 6Make 1/8 turn left stepping L to left [&]. Cross R over L [4]. Make 1/2 turn left crossing L over R [5]. Hold [6] 3.00
|& 7 & 8Make 1/8 turn left stepping R to right [&] Cross L over R [7]. Make 1/8 turn left stepping R to right [&] Cross L over R [7] 12.00
|Styling: Use the above directions as a ‘guideline’ - try to think of counts 1-8 as making a big semi circle on the floor
|[49 – 56] R side rock, R behind, L side, R cross, L side rock, 1/2 turn L sailor step
|1 2 3 & 4Rock R to right side [1]. Recover weight L [2]. Cross R behind L [3]. Step L to left side [&]. Cross R over L [4] 12.00
|5 6Rock L to left side [5]. Recover weight R [6]. 12.00
|7 & 8Cross L behind R [7]. Make 1/4 turn left stepping R next to L [&]. Make 1/4 turn left stepping forward L [8] 6.00
|[57 – 64] R samba step (bota fogo), L samba step (bota fogo), R rock fwd & across L, Recover sweeping R, R back sweep L, L back
|1 & 2Step R slightly forward & across L [1]. Rock L ball to left side [&]. Recover weight R [2] 6.00
|3 & 4Step L slightly forward & across R [3]. Rock R ball to right side [&]. Recover weight L [4] 6.00
|5 6 7 8Rock R forward slightly across L [5]. Recover weight L sweeping R [6]. Step R back sweeping L [7]. Step L back [8] 6.00
|www.rachael.dance - dancewithrachael@gmail.com