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Linedance Portalen

The Greatest Love Of All  

Steps: 56             Vægge: 2             Niveau: Advanced NC
Musik: The Greatest Love of All by Whitney Houston. Track length: 4:48. Buy on iTunes, etc.      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Gary OReilly (IRL), José miguel Belloque Vane (NL) & Niels Poulsen (Denmark) October 2019

|Intro: 16 count counts (17 secs. into track). Start with weight on L foot
|One 2 count Tag: Finish wall 4 (now facing 12:00): Step R fwd doing a full spiral turn (1), step L fwd (2) OR walk fwd R and L
|Restart: On wall 2, after 26 counts, facing 12:00
|[1 – 9] R rock fwd, R back lock, ¼ L step touch, R basic, L side rock, weave sweep
|1 – 2Rock fwd on R (1), recover back on L (2) 12:00
|&3&Step back on R opening body up to 1:30 (&), lock L over R (3), step back on R squaring up to 12:00 (&) 12:00
|4&Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (4), touch R next to L (&) 9:00
|5 – 6&Step R a big step to R side (5), step L behind R (6), cross R over L (&) 9:00
|7&Rock L to L side (7), recover on R (&) 9:00
|8&1Cross L over R (8), step R to R side (&), cross L behind R sweeping R to R side (1) 9:00
|[10 – 16] Behind ¼ L, step ½ X 2, fwd R with slow arm raise, recover L sweep, behind side
|2&Cross R behind L (2), turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (&) 6:00
|3&4&Step R fwd (3), turn ½ L onto L (&), step R fwd (4), turn ½ L onto L (&) 6:00
|5 – 7Step R fwd starting to raise your R arm fwd with palm opened facing up (5), continue to raise arm up (6), drop R arm and recover back on L sweeping R to R side (7) 6:00
|8&Cross R behind L (8), step L to L side (&) 6:00
|[17 – 24] R cross rock, ¼ R, R spiral turn, fwd R, 3/8 R back L, R back rock, fwd R, step 3/8 R
|1 – 2&Cross rock R over L (1), recover back on L (2), turn ¼ R stepping R fwd (&) 9:00
|3 – 4&Step L fwd spiralling a full turn R (3), step R fwd (4), turn 3/8 R stepping back on L (&) 1:30
|5 – 7Rock back on R (5), recover onto L (6), walk R fwd (7) 1:30
|8&Step L fwd (8), turn 3/8 R stepping onto R (&) 6:00
|[25 – 32] Fwd L rise, run RL, ¼ L side rock, weave sweep, behind side, walk LR fwd
|1Step L fwd rising up on ball of L foot hitching R knee at the same time (1) 6:00
|2&Run fwd R (2), run fwd L (&) … * Restart here on wall 2, facing 12:00 6:00
|3&Turn ¼ L rocking R to R side (3), recover onto L (&) 3:00
|4&5Cross R over L (4), step L to L side (&), cross R behind L sweeping L to L side (5) 3:00
|6&Cross L behind R (6), step R to R side (&) 3:00
|7 – 8Wall L fwd (7), walk R fwd (8) 3:00
|[33 – 40] ½ R sweep, behind side cross, side rock cross, ¾ L sweep, fwd L, rock R fwd, hitch
|1Turn ½ R stepping back on L sweeping R to R side (1) 9:00
|2&3Cross R behind L (2), step L to L side (&), cross R over L (3) 9:00
|&4&Rock L to L side (&), recover onto R (4), cross L over R (&) 9:00
|5 – 6Turn ¼ L stepping back on R but continuing to turn ½ L sweeping L fwd (5), step L fwd (6) 12:00
|7 – 8Rock R fwd bending slightly in both knees (7), recover on L hitching R knee up (8) 12:00
|[41 – 48] Back R sweep, behind side rock 1/8 R, recover 3/8 fwd, fwd R, run ½ L sweep, weave
|1Step back on R sweeping L to L side (1) 12:00
|2&3Cross L behind R (2), step R to R side (&), turn 1/8 R rocking L fwd (3) 1:30
|4&5Recover back on R (4), turn 3/8 L stepping L fwd (&), step R fwd (5) 9:00
|6&7Turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (6), turn 1/8 L stepping R fwd (&), turn 1/8 L stepping L fwd and sweeping R around from back to front (7) 3:00
|8&Cross R over L (8), step L to L side (&) 3:00
|[49 – 56] R back rock, side R, behind sweep, behind ¼ L, fwd R, step turn step, L full turn
|1 – 2Rock back on R opening body up to R diagonal (1), recover onto L (2) 4:30
|&3Turn 1/8 L stepping R to R side (&), cross L behind R sweeping R to R side (3) 3:00
|4&5Cross R behind L (4), turn ¼ L stepping L fwd (&), step R fwd (5) 12:00
|6&7Step L fwd (6), turn ½ R stepping onto R (&), step L fwd (7) 6:00
|8&Turn ½ L stepping back on R (8), turn ½ L stepping L fwd (&) 6:00
|Ending: On wall 6, after 29 counts: Cross L behind R (6), turn ¼ R stepping R fwd (&), step L fwd raising both arms slowly fwd and up as Whitney sings her last and very long note (7) … 12:00