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Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Beginner Musik: Alt er Godt by Chief 1 (feat. Thomas Buttenschøn) Track length: (4:00) Kunstner: Koreograf: Annette Nielsen (Denmark) February 2020 NO TAGS OR RESTART |Intro: 32 counts (16 seconds) Start with weight on L foot. | |Section 1: VINE ¼, HITCH ¼, VINE ¼, SCUFF |1-2Step R to R side (1) Cross L behind R (2) |3-4Turn ¼ R stepping fwd on R (3) (3.00) Turn ¼ R hitching L knee (4) (6.00) |5-6Step L to L side (5) Cross R behind L (6) |7-8Turn ¼ L stepping fwd onto L (7) (3:00) Scuff R foot diagonal R (8) | |Section 2: VINE, SWAY L, R, L, DRAG |1-2Step R to R side (1) Cross L behind R (2) |3-4Step R to R side (3) Touch L to R (4) |5-6Step L to L side Swaying L (5) Sway R (6) |7-8Sway L (7) Drag R next to L (8) | |Section 3: DIAGONAL LOCK STEP R, SCUFF L, DIAGONAL LOCK STEP L, SCUFF R |1-2Step diagonal fwd on R (1) lock L behind R (2) |3-4Step diagonal fwd on R (3), scuff fwd L (4) |5-6Step diagonal fwd on L (5) lock R behind L (6) |7-8step diagonal fwd on L (7), scuff fwd R (8) | |Section 4: CROSS, SIDE, BACK, SWEEP, BEHIND SIDE CROSS, HOLD |1-2Cross R over L (1) Step L to L side (2) |3-4Step back on R (3) Sweep L out to L side (4) |5-6Cross step L behind R (5) Step R to R side (6) |7-8Cross step L over R (7) Hold (8) | |ENDING: Wall 14 Starts facing (3.00) Section 4: Replace Hold (8) with and Unwin