I Like Your Soul
Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Beginner Musik: Soul - Lee Brice Kunstner: Koreograf: Jill Weiss (USA) - November 2020 #16 Count Introduction - 1 easy tag/restart | |ROCKING CHAIR, BUMPING TOE STRUTS |1-2-3-4Rock forward right, replace weight back to left, rock back on right, replace back to left |5&6Touch R toe forward bumping hip to right, move hip back to center, step R heel down with weight |7&8Touch L toe forward bumping hip to left, move hip back to center, step L heel down with weight |(Easier option - toe struts without bump - stepping forward toe/heel R, then toe/heel L) | |TURNING ROCKING CHAIR, SHUFFLE RIGHT, ROCK BACK, REPLACE (LINDY RIGHT) |1-2Rock forward on right, replace weight back to left |3-4Turn ¼ to right while rocking back on right (3:00), replace weight forward to left |5&6Step right to right, step left next to right, step right to right |7-8Rock back on left replace weight forward to right (3:00) | |SIDE, BEHIND, SIDE ROCK, BEHIND, SIDE, CROSSING SHUFFLE |1-2Step left to left side, step right behind left, |3-4Rock left to left side, replace weight to right |5-6Step left behind right, step right to right |7&8(Crossing shuffle) Step left in front of right, step right to right, step left in front of right (3:00) | |STEP TOUCH 2 X, STEP OUT, HOLD, HIP ROLL |1-2Step right to right, touch left next to right (snap or clap on touch) |3-4Step left to left, touch right next to left (snap or clap on touch) |5-6Step right to right, hold |7-8Roll hip clockwise full circle so that weight ends on left (option for full body roll, two hip bumps, or just hold!) | |TAG/RESTART ON WALL 4 - START FACING 9:00, RESTART AT 12:00 |Dance first 8 counts |Second set of 8 as follows: |TURNING ROCKING CHAIR, STEP OUT, HOLD, HIP ROLL |1-2Rock forward on right, replace weight back to left |3-4Turn ¼ to right while rocking back on right (12:00), replace weight forward to left |5-6Step right to right, hold |7-8Roll hip clockwise full circle so that weight ends on left (option for full body roll, two hip bumps, or just hold!) |(SAME AS LAST 4 COUNTS OF DANCE!) | |OPTIONAL ENDING: Dance ends after the turning rocking chair at 9:00, you can step right ¼ turn further to 12:00 to end on the front. | |HAVE FUN!! | |Contact: Jill Weiss - Email: jill@freespindance.com - www.jkshuffles.com |All rights reserved. This stepsheet may be shared and reproduced, but no changes may be made without permission from the choreographer. | | | |