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Linedance Portalen

Would Have Loved Her  

Steps: 32             Vægge: 2             Niveau: Low Intermediate
Musik: Would Have Loved Her - Chris Bandi      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Darren Bailey (UK) - May 2021

Intro: 16 Counts
|NC basic L, 1/4 turn R sweep, 1/4 diamond turning L, Cross Rock, Recover, 1/4 R
|1-2&Step LF to L side, Close RF behind LF (3rd pos), Cross LF over RF
|3-4&Make a 1/4 turn R and step forward on RF (now facing 3:00) and sweep LF from back to front, Cross LF over RF, Step RF to R side
|5-6&Make a 1/8 turn L and step back on LF, Step back on RF, Make a 1/8 turn L and step LF to L side (now facing 12:00)
|7-8&Cross rock RF over LF, Recover onto LF, Make a 1/4 turn R and step forward on RF (now facing 3:00)
|3/4 R, Sway R, L, R, L with sweep, Cross, Side, Behind, Sweep, Behind, 1/4 R
|1-2Step forward on LF starting to make a 3/4 turn R, Complete 3/4 turn R and step RF to R side swaying to R (now facing 12:00)
|3-4Sway to L, Sway to R
|5-6&Step LF to L side and sweep RF forward, Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L side
|7-8&Cross RF behind LF and sweep LF from front to back, Cross LF behind RF, Make ¼ turn R and step forward on RF (now facing 3:00)
|***Restart here on walls 3 and 6 (make sure you still make the 1/4 turn R on count 1 to keep the dance 2 walls)
|1/4 R, Touch, Diagonal step, Touch, Diagonal step, Close, Diagonal step, Touch, Side, Behind, SIde, Cross, Side, Close
|1&2&Make a 1/4 turn R and step LF to L side (now facing 6:00), Touch RF next to LF, Step RF forward to R diagonal, Touch LF next to RF
|3&4&Step LF forward to L diagonal, Close RF next to LF, Step LF forward L diagonal, Touch RF next to LF
|5-6&Step RF to R side, Cross LF behind RF, Step RF to R side
|7-8&Cross LF over RF, Step RF to R side, Close LF next to RF
|Cross, 1/4 R, 1/4 R, Cross, 1/4 L, 1/4 L, Cross Rock, Recover, 1/4 R, Step forward, 3/4 R
|1-2&Cross RF over LF, Make a 1/4 turn R and step back on LF, Make a 1/4 turn R and step RF to R side (now facing 12:00)
|3-4&Cross LF over RF, Make a 1/4 turn L and step back on RF, Make a 1/4 turn L and step LF to L side (now facing 6:00)
|5-6&Cross Rock RF over LF, Recover onto LF, Make a 1/4 turn R and step forward on RF (now facing 9:00)
|7-8Step forward on L, Make a 3/4 turn R (now facing 6:00)
|Note: don't force yourself around on the last 3/4 turn R, if you can only make a 1/2 turn, you can always add the extra 1/4 to begin the dance again and step LF to L side on count 1.
|There could have been more restarts later in the dance but I thought 2 was plenty enough...
|Hope you get a chance to listen to the lyrics when you are dancing this dance, Goosebumps.