Just Fly
Steps: 32 Vægge: 4 Niveau: Improver Musik: Just Fly - Max Barskih : (iTunes, Amazon, etc.) Kunstner: Koreograf: Roy Hadisubroto (NL), Fiona Murray (IRE) & Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA) - October 2021 [1-8] STEP, CLAP, CLAP, STEP, CLAP, SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, CROSS, SWEEP |1-2&Step R forward/slightly across L (1); Clap hands twice (2&) |3-4Step L forward/slightly across R (3); Clap hands once (4) |5-6Rock R to right (5); Recover to L (6) |7-8Cross R over L (7); Sweep L forward (can be either a low sweep or raise up on the ball of the R foot sweeping the L a little higher in the air) (8) 12:00 | |[9-16] WEAVE: CROSS, SIDE, BEHIND, SIDE, CROSS ROCK, RECOVER, TRIPLE L 1/4 TURN L |1-4Cross L over R (1); Step R to right (2); Step L behind R (3); Step R to right (4) |5-6Cross rock L over R (5); Recover on R (6) |7&8Step L to left (7); Step R beside L (&); Turn 1/4 left stepping L forward (8) 9:00 | |[17-24] DIAGONALLY FORWARD & BACK: POINT, TOUCH, LARGE STEP, TOUCH, POINT, TOUCH, LARGE STEP, TOUCH |1-2With body facing 7:30: Point R to right (toward 10:30) (1); Touch R beside L (2) |3-4Large step R to right (toward 10:30) dragging L toe (3); Touch L beside R (4) |5-6With body still facing 7:30: Point L to left (toward 4:30) (5); Touch L beside R (6) |7-8Large step L to left (toward 4:30) dragging R toe (7); Touch R beside L (8) |Styling: Arms can go out to the sides on counts 3 and 7 as you do the diagonal big step/drag. | |[25-32] 2 TOE STRUTS, 4 WALKS IN A CIRCLE |1-2Still facing 7:30: Step R toe to right (toward 10:30) (2); Drop R heel (2) |3-4Squaring up to 9:00: Step L toe across R (3); Drop L heel (4) |5-8Walking R, L, R, L making a full circle around to the right to finish facing 9:00. |Styling: Arms can 'airplane' with R arm up and L arm down as you circle around. | |TAG: At the end of wall 4, you will be facing 12:00. |Slowly rock R forward bringing arms up to the side (1-2), |Slowly recover back on L bringing arms down (3-4). |The arm motion should look like the wings of a bird. | |BEGIN AGAIN! ENJOY! | |Ending: At the end of the song, facing 12:00, step R forward with the same arm motion as the tag. | | ||