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Linedance Portalen


Steps: 32             Vægge: 4             Niveau: Improver
Musik: Thunderbird - Toby Keith      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Alison Biggs (UK) & Peter Metelnick (UK) - 15 October 2021

Start after 32 count intro - approx. 17secs - 3mins 58secs - 114bpm
|Music Available: Amazon
|[1-8] Walk fwd L/R, L fwd shuffle, R Charleston, L coaster cross
|1-2Step L forward, step R forward
|3&4Step L forward, step R together, step L forward
|5-6Sweeping R from back to front touch R forward, sweeping R from front to back step R back
|7&8Step L back, step R together, cross step L over R
|[9-16] R side rock/recover, R behind/L side/R cross, L fwd touch, L side touch, ¼ L toaster (turning coaster)
|1-2Rock R side, recover weight on L
|3&4Cross step R behind L, step L side, cross step R over L
|WALL 12 RESTART: During wall 12 which faces R side wall dance the first 12 counts and restart the dance facing R side wall. Audio clue for this is Toby will count 5-6-7-8 as you do the R side rock/recover, R behind/L side/R cross as you get ready to restart the dance. You will only dance one more wall to finish facing front.
|5-6Touch L forward, touch L side
|7&8Turning ¼ left step L forward back, step R together, step L forward (9 o'clock)
|[17-24] V step, R cross step, L back, R chassé
|1-2Step R forward toward right diagonal, step L forward toward left diagonal
|3-4Step R back, step L together
|5-6Cross step R over L, step L back
|7&8Step R side, step L together, step R side
|[25-32] Weave R 2, L sailor, weave L 2, R coaster
|1-2Cross step L over R, step R side
|3&4Cross step L behind R, step R side, step L side
|5-6Cross step R over L, step L side
|7&8Step R back, step L together, step R forward
|Contact info: Tel 01462 735778 Email alison.biggs1@btinternet.com
|Find us on Facebook: TheDanceFactoryUK