Father And Son
Steps: 32 Vægge: 2 Niveau: Easy Intermediate Musik: Father and Son - Ronan Keating & Yusuf Kunstner: Koreograf: Joshua Talbot (AUS) & Stephen Paterson (AUS) - April 2022 Intro: 8 count intro, starts on the work “Time” | |Section 1: BACK, BEHIND, ¼, FWD, RECOVER, ½, ¼ SIDE, BEHIND, SIDE, CROSS, CROSS |1, 2&Step R back-sweep L back, step L behind R, ¼ R step on R |3, 4&Rock L fwd, recover weight R, ½ L step on L |5, 6&¼ L step R to R, step L behind R, step R to R |7, 8Cross step L over R-sweep R fwd, cross step R over L (Raising L heel off floor) | |Section 2: BACK SWEEP X3, SAILOR DRAG, BEHIND, ¼, ½ HOOK, CROSS STEP |1, 2, 3Step L back-sweep R back, step R back-sweep L back, step L back-sweep R back |4&5Step R behind L, step L out, large step R to R-drag L |6&Step L behind R, ¼ R step R slightly fwd |7, 8½ R step L back-hook R to L, cross step R over L | |Section 3: CROSS STEP, LOCK SHUFFLE, CROSS, SIDE, BACK, RECOVER, ¼, ½, ¼ SCISSOR |1, 2&3Cross step L fwd over R, step R fwd, lock L behind R, step R fwd-sweep L fwd |4&5Cross L over R, step R to R, rock L behind R |6&7Recover weight R, ¼ R step L back, ½ R step R fwd |8&1¼ R step L to L, step R together, cross L over R | |Section 4: SIDE, CROSS, ¼ BACK, ¼ SIDE, CROSS, RECOVER, ¼, PIVOT ½, TOGETHER |2&3Step R to R, cross L over R, ¼ L step R back – Slowly drag L toward R |4¼ L step L to L |5, 6&Cross R over L, recover weight L, ¼ R step on R |7, 8&Step L fwd, ½ R taking weight R, step L together | |[32] | |Tags: All tags happen at front wall |End of wall 2 – 5 counts |1Step R back |2, 3&Step L back-Sweep R back, step R behind L, ¼ L step on L, |4, 5Step R fwd, ¼ L taking weight L | |End of Wall 3 & 4 – 11 counts |1, 2&Step R back-sweep L back, step L behind R, ¼ R step on R |3, 4&Rock L fwd, recover weight R, ¼ L step on L |1, 2, 3Step fwd R, step L fwd, step R fwd |1, 2&Step L back-Sweep R back, step R behind L, ¼ L step on L, |3, 4Step R fwd, ¼ L taking weight L | |Finish: Dance to count 5 on the last wall-drag L together | |Official Teach and Demo can be found at https://www.youtube.com/user/MrJbtalbot |or by visiting my website www.jbtalbot.com | |Joshua Talbot: +61 407 533 616 jbtalbot@iinet.net.au www.jbtalbot.com |Stephen Paterson: +61 4038 695 494 steve.cowboy@bigpond.com | ||