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Linedance Portalen

Still Dancing  

Steps: 32             Vægge: 2             Niveau: Intermediate
Musik: Shes Still Dancing - Hugo Helmig      Kunstner:
Koreograf: Paul Steinborn (DE), Lisa Altenkirch (DE) & Emma Ruhnau (DE) - October 2021

Phrases: A-T-A-A-Restart-A-T2-A-A-A-A-A-A
|A - Part
|[1-8] Out out, knee pop, sailor ¼ turn, step touch R+L, step hitch ¼ turn
|& 1 & 2Step RF to side (&), Step side on L (1), Lift both heels (&), Lower both knees (2)
|3 & 4Cross behind on LF (3), ¼ turn L and step back on R (&), Step forward on L (4),
|5 & 6 &Step diagonal forward on R (5), Touch together on L (&), Step diagonal forward on L (6), Touch together on R (&),
|7 8Step forward on R (7), Hitch L with ¼ turn R (8),
|[9-16] Cross, Side, Sailor ½ turn, Step back with Heel Grinds R+L, Coaster step, Walk L
|1 2Cross LF over RF (1), Step side on RF (2),
|3 & 4Cross LF behind RF with ¼ turn to L (3), ¼ turn L with step back on RF (&), Step forward on LF (4),
|5 6Step back on RF, Turn left heel to L (5), Step back on LF, Turn right heel to R (6),
|7 & 8 &Step back on RF (7), Step together on LF (&), Step forward on RF (8), Step forward on LF (&),
|[17-24] Step hitch, Hold, Out out, Sway sway, Slide, Hold
|1 2Step forward on RF (1), Make a hitch on L (2),
|3 & 4Hold (3), Step out on LF (&), Step out on RF (4),
|* Restart with Step change in Wall 3.
|5 6Swing your hips to right side (5), Swing hips to left side (6),
|7 8Slide to right side on RF (7), Hold (8),
|*Restart: Step in Place on LF (&), Touch RF next to LF (4)
|[25-32] Sailor ¼ turn, Step, ¼ turn, Sailor ¼ turn, Step, ¼ Turn with Sweep; Touch
|1 & 2Cross LF behind RF (1), ¼ turn L and step back on RF (&), Step forward on LF (2),
|3 4Step forward on RF (3), ¼ turn L with step side on LF (4),
|5 & 6Cross RF behind LF (5), ¼ turn R and step back on LF (&), Step forward on RF (6),
|7 8Step forward on LF (7), ¼ turn with weight on LF and swing the RF from back to front and touch RF next to LF (8)
|[1-8] Step back with drag R+L, step ¼ turn, head movement
|1 2Step RF diagonal backwards and push R arm diagonal forward to L (1), Drag LF next to RF (2)
|3 4Step LF diagonal backwards and push L arm diagonal forward to R (3), Drag RF next to LF (4),
|5 6¼ turn R and step side on RF (5), Start making ¼ turn to R slowly with the head (6),
|7 8Continue the head-turn (7), Finish Head-Turn (8)
|Arms: follow with your R hand the head movement, start with the hand in front of your face (5-8)
|[9-16] ¼ turn, Step drag R+L, arm movement,
|1 2¼ turn L with step forward on LF (1), Drag RF next to LF (2)
|3 4Step RF forward (3), Drag LF next to RF (4)
|5 6Step LF forward (5), Drag RF next to LF (6)
|7 8Start raising your R arm slowly in the air (7), Drag RF next to LF and finish raising you R arm (8),
|[1-4] Arm movement, Cross, full turn
|1 2Bring your R hand down in front of your cheast (1), Cross RF over LF (2),
|3 4Start full turn L (3), Finish full turn L with weight on LF (4)
|*Note: The counting of the tag is really difficult. It's easier to listen to the song.
|Tag 2
|[1-8] Step back with drag R+L, step ¼ turn, head movement
|1 2Step RF diagonal backwards and push R arm diagonal forward to L (1), Drag LF next to RF (2)
|3 4Step LF diagonal backwards and push L arm diagonal forward to R (3), Drag RF next to LF (4),
|5 6¼ turn R and step side on RF (5), Start making ¼ turn to R slowly with the head (6),
|7 8Continue the head-turn (7), Finish Head-Turn (8)
|Arms: follow with your R hand the head movement, start with the hand in front of your face (5-8)
|[9-16] ¼ turn, Step drag R+L, arm movement
|1 2¼ turn L with step forward on LF (1), Drag RF next to LF (2)
|3 4Step RF forward (3), Drag LF next to RF (4)
|5 6Step LF forward (5), Drag RF next to LF (6)
|7 8Start raising your R arm slowly in the air (7), Drag RF next to LF and finish raising you R arm (8),
|Enjoy dancing and Have fun!
|Contact: Paul Steinborn - p.steinborn24@gmail.com